The Land Registry 2006/07 Annual Report

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Human Resources

Management Initiatives

Implementation of Five-day Week

To allow staff more flexibility to attend to personal and family matters thereby enabling them to achieve a better balance between work and life, the Land Registry joined the Government's drive to introduce a five-day week into the Civil Service. In planning for the implementation, the main principle was that the change should not affect the quality of services. Phase 1 of the initiative which involved only the backend offices was implemented on 1 July 2006.

With the completion of necessary legislative amendments to the Land Registration Regulations which govern the opening hours of the Land Registry to the public, the Land Registry will extend this five-day week arrangement to our counter and hotline services to the public with effect from 1 July 2007. In taking forward this initiative, we have taken into account the low service utilization rates on Saturdays and the positive feedback from our stakeholders in the related consultation exercises. We will ensure that our overall level and efficiency of services delivered to the public will not be affected. Our service hours lost on Saturdays will be fully compensated by longer service hours during weekdays. Alternative means of service delivery after service hours will also be provided. Major alternative means include the IRIS Online Services which provides search services on the Internet 16 hours a day, 7 days a week, and our 24-hour Customer Service Hotline.

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