the office refurbishment programme, a Customer
Centre comprising Information Desk, Deeds
Lodgement and Land Search service counters
and public waiting area is being fitted out
on the 19th Floor of Queensway Government
Offices. This Customer Centre with a complete
new look and enhanced corporate identity
will be equipped with self-service search
terminals and upgraded facilities. In the
New Territories, fitting-out work for new
Search Offices is underway to provide counter
search services as well as self-service search
terminals. The open design of the Customer
Centre and the district Search Offices reflects
the nature of the Land Registry's business:
customer-friendly, added value service for
office in the old days
renovation of all the offices of the department
is being carried out by phases. Each floor
will provide both sufficient working space
and auxiliary facilities including training
and meeting areas. With the installation
of up-to-date workstations, the renovated
office area provides a better working environment
that allows effective deployment of our new
information technology, supports our future
work-flow operation under IRIS and helps
staff deliver services more efficiently.