Land Registry Annual Report 2005/06
Organization Structure and Management Initiatives
Organization structure
The Land Registry is headed by the Land Registrar, who is supported by four operational branches, namely the Legal Services Branch headed by the Deputy Principal Solicitor, the Financial Services Branch headed by the Business Manager, the Deeds Registration and Departmental Services Branch headed by the Registry Manager and the Title Registration Development Branch headed by the Title Registration Development Manager.  The Land Registration Officers form the backbone of the Registry overseeing various operational functions.  A workforce comprising largely of general grades staff provides general support.  A dedicated team of IT staff is responsible for the smooth operation of Integrated Registration Information System (IRIS) for the central registration system, as well as the development and implementation of computer systems to support the title registration system.

We are making intensive preparation for the implementation of the title registration system.  Subject to deliberation on the remaining legislation we expect this to be in 2007/08. There will be changes to the organization structure and staffing requirements to handle the operation of the title registration system, which will run parallel with the deeds registration system for 12 years.

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