Land Titles Ordinance

IRIS Enhancements

E-Memorial Form


Land Titles Ordinance

We are continuing with the discussion with stakeholders on the alternative proposal of "Two-Stage Conversion Mechanism" which is devised to address the concerns regarding the conversion, rectification and indemnity arrangements. Initial response from stakeholders on the proposal is positive. Subject to a consensus being reached with stakeholders, a public engagement exercise will be launched to update members of the public on the proposal and to hear their views.

Internal review of the provisions of the Land Titles Ordinance and consequential amendments as well as exchange of views with stakeholders and other preparatory work relating to the Land Titles (Amendment) Bill are continuing in parallel.

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IRIS Enhancements

In the second half of 2011, we launched a number of customer-friendly enhancements to IRIS Online Services. These enhancements include -

  • providing a suggestion list for input of Lot Type (see Figure 1);
  • adding a new feature for recalling the last input search data when conducting a new search of land register by address;
  • adding a new option for downloading multiple image files of a document ordered in a single compressed file (ZIP format) (see Figure 2);
  • alerting customer of any duplicated land records in an order list before confirmation;
  • enhancing the Search Unposted Memorial Information function (see Figure 3) by providing a list of memorials related to the input Lot Type and its aliases; and
  • adding new options for subscriber to enquire their account statements, with or without Property Reference Number (PRN) / Address / Lot information (see Figure 4).

For registration services, we have advanced the schedule of issuing reminder from the 28th day to the 21st day after a stopped deed is returned to the lodging party for a more customer-friendly reminder service before the expiry of the first 28-day period. All these enhancements have received good customer feedback.

Figure 1 - Suggestion List for Input of Lot Type

Suggestion List for Input of Lot Type

Figure 2 - Option for Downloading Multiple Image Files in a Single Compressed File (ZIP Format)

Option for Downloading Multiple Image Files in a Single Compressed File (ZIP Format)

Figure 3 - Enhanced Search Unposted Memorial Information Function

Enhanced Search Unposted Memorial Information Function

Figure 4 - New Options for Enquiry of Subscriber Information

New Options for Enquiry of Subscriber Information

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E-Memorial Form

To further improve efficiency and accuracy in completing the memorial forms, we launched two new versions of enhanced e-Memorial Form with auto-fill and data import function for free downloading on 19 January 2012.

The enhanced version with auto-fill function enables users to retrieve property particulars from the Land Registry's computer system through the Internet for reference by simply keying in the Property Reference Number of a property.

For users who need to handle a series of transactions or property projects and fill in a number of memorial forms with the same set of information, the new version with data import function will enable transfer of relevant information from an Excel worksheet to multiple memorial forms in one go. Customers may refer to Land Registry Circular Memorandum No. 1/12 for details.

The current usage rate of the new versions of e-Memorial Form is about 58%, which accounts for 56% of the total memorials lodged with the Land Registry for registration. We will continuously monitor users' feedback for further enhancement.

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