Briefing to the Law Society of Hong Kong on the Enhanced Web-based Memorial Form (Web form)

A briefing session for promoting the use of the enhanced web form to solicitors’ firms in collaboration with the Law Society of Hong Kong was delivered on 27 May 2024. Coupled with the hands-on demonstration on the enhanced features of the web form, the session was well received by 108 participants.

Briefing to the Law Society of Hong Kong on the Enhanced Web-based Memorial Form (Web form)

Training Scheme in Common Law for Mainland Legal Officials 2023/24

One Mainland legal official was attached to the Legal Services Division of the LR from 11 to 14 June 2024 under the Training Scheme in Common Law for Mainland Legal Officials 2023/24 organised by the Department of Justice.

During the attachment, the legal official was briefed on the proposed introduction of title registration system under the Land Titles Ordinance (LTO) and the progress of the post-enactment review of the LTO. He also attended a guided tour to our Customer Centre and Central Imaging Centre for familiarisation of our registration, search and owners' corporation services.

Land Registrars Development Officers’ Conference 2024

The Land Registrars Development Officers Conference (LRDOC) 2024 was held in Tasmania, Australia from 18 to 21 June 2024. LRDOC provides an excellent platform for delegates from different jurisdictions to share knowledge and experience in land registration. This year’s Conference was hosted by the Department of Natural Resources and Environment of Tasmania with delegates coming from different states of Australia, Hong Kong and New Zealand. Mr Wesley LUK, Senior Solicitor and Ms Evian WONG, Assistant Registry Manager were Hong Kong delegates attended the Conference online.

The presentations and discussions covered a wide range of topics including cyber security, IT innovation, digital plans lodgement and customer management. Our representatives were delighted to give a presentation on the LR’s up-to-date and planned cyber security policies and measures in enhancing land registration services.

Land Registrars Development Officers’ Conference 2024

Visit by the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors to the LR Archive

Two guided tours to the LR Archive were arranged for 22 members of the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors on 21 June 2024. During the visit, we introduced various types of manual land records including original land grant documents dated back to the 1840s and memorial plans with archival value. The visitors showed keen interest in the land records.

Visit by the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors to the LR Archive

Visit by Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (Sha Tin)

As part of the public education initiatives, the LR has been introducing its services and the land registration system to the education community. A visit to LR with the guided tour of the Customer Centre was arranged for the Business and Legal Studies students of the Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (Sha Tin) on 24 June 2024.

All students showed great interest in our work and they had strengthened their understanding of our services as well as the land registration system in Hong Kong.

Visit by Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (Sha Tin)