The Land Registry Trading Fund Hong Kong Annual Report 2013-14 - page 29

Annual Report 2013-14
Corporate Social Responsibility
Caring for Employees
As a caring employer, the Land Registry is committed to maintaining a healthy workforce. In 2013/14, we
organised a total of 25 seminars for staff on relevant subjects, including first aid, prevention of upper and
lower limbs disorder, health tips on the use of computer monitors, stress management, handling of
workplace violence and prevention of musculoskeletal disorders. We also provided counseling services
through external specialists to assist staff confronting work-related or personal issues. Besides, we continued
to enhance staff awareness in maintaining work-life balance and a healthy life style through departmental
publications, seminars and outings organised by the Staff Recreation Club for staff and their family members.
Given the benefits of breastfeeding for infants, we support female staff to continue breastfeeding after
returning to work from maternity leave by allowing them to take lactation breaks during working hours and
providing facilitation arrangements in the offices.
Being Green and Environmentally Friendly
We are committed to ensuring that our business and daily operations are conducted in an environmentally
responsible manner. To fulfill this commitment, we have taken the following actions:
• formulated an environmental policy and set out key areas for actions;
• promulgated green housekeeping guidelines for observance by staff;
• conducted regular environmental audit and surprise checks to various offices to sustain the momentum
in environmental protection;
• continued our drive in 4-Rs (i.e. reduce, reuse, recycle and replace) and efficient use of energy and
• expanded the scope of green procurement through increasing the number of purchase items that
should contain environmentally friendly features and requiring the office cleaning contractor to adopt a
number of green practices, including reduction of water and energy consumption in their operation as
far as practicable;
• promoted green awareness among staff by publicising messages on waste reduction and recycling,
energy conservation and anti-pollution through departmental staff magazine; and
• implemented double-sided printing of land documents.
The Controlling Officer’s Environmental Report 2013 with detailed environmental performance is available
on the Land Registry’s website.
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