The Land Registry Trading Fund Hong Kong Annual Report 2013-14 - page 31

Annual Report 2013-14
Corporate Social Responsibility
Providing a Safe Workplace
We continue to make every endeavour to provide a safe and comfortable work environment for staff.
A departmental Safety Management Committee was set up in 1997 to formulate and implement policy on
occupational safety and health. We have promulgated comprehensive guidelines and procedures on
occupational safety and provided our staff with ergonomic office furniture and equipment to promote
occupational health. We have also participated in the Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Certification Scheme
organised by the Environmental Protection Department since 2003. Regular inspections are conducted to
ensure that the workplace is free from safety hazards.
Public Education
Following the distribution in February 2013 of printed copies of a bilingual teaching kit on land registration in
Hong Kong entitled “Decoding Land Registration” to all secondary schools which offer the Liberal Studies
classes, the Land Registry launched an online version of the teaching kit in English, Traditional Chinese and
Simplified Chinese on the Land Registry’s website in November 2013.
This online version serves as a database to provide students with a one-stop information platform for
conducting independent study and help teachers conduct research and collect information for preparing
classroom discussions and activities on the subject. It also enables members of the public to know more
about the significant role played by land registration in the development of Hong Kong and its close
relationship with people’s everyday life. Two online games have been specially designed to make the
presentation of the subject interactive and interesting.
Future Plan
Green Management
We will continue to promote a “green office” environment and explore opportunities for reducing
consumption of energy and paper.
Public Education
We will continue with our public education activities to raise public understanding of the services of the Land
Registry and the development of the land registration system in Hong Kong.
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