The Land Registry Trading Fund Hong Kong Annual Report 2013-14 - page 27

Annual Report 2013-14
Corporate Social Responsibility
Corporate Citizenship
The Land Registry attaches great importance to social responsibility and strives to uphold a high standard of
corporate citizenship. Our commitment is demonstrated through our efforts in seven main areas.
Supporting Social Services
The Land Registry Volunteer Team has been joining hands with some ten other Government departments to
run a “Crossover Volunteer Project” programme since 2005. In 2013/14, the Volunteer Team organised 23
volunteer activities for the elderly and hospitalised patients. We also encouraged our staff to contribute their
own time to organise and participate in volunteer activities and community programmes.
In recognition of our continuing efforts in serving the community, the Hong Kong Council of Social Service
once again awarded the “Five Years Plus Caring Organisation” logo to the Land Registry in February 2014.
Encouraging Donations
We support donation drives and charities by
encouraging staff to participate in charity
events. In 2013/14, we continued to encourage
staff to participate and contribute in a variety of
activities organised by the Community Chest,
including Dress Casual Day, Love Teeth Day,
Green Day and Skip Lunch Day. We also raised
funds for the Hong Kong Paralympic
Committee and Sports Association for the
Physically Disabled through joining the
Standard Chartered Marathon.
Promoting Equal Opportunities
We are committed to eliminating discrimination (including sex, disability, family status and race) in
employment and promoting equal opportunities for all staff.
In 2013/14, we continued to provide placement opportunities for people in need through participating in the
Social Welfare Department’s Sunnyway Programme and the Labour Department’s Youth Pre-employment
Training — Workplace Attachment Programme. Besides, for promoting job opportunities for the socially
disadvantaged groups, we invited social enterprises to bid for our office cleaning service contract and
providing catering service for our departmental function during Christmas.
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