Property A!ert

Enjoy Property A!ert at Reduced Fee

Enjoy Property Alert at Reduced Fee

Property A!ert (“the Service”) helps owners monitor any registration affecting their property with ease. It enables early detection of unexpected or suspicious instruments delivered to the Land Registry (LR) for registration against their property so that they can take prompt and appropriate action. Starting from 1 January 2023, the subscription fee for the one-off subscription option has been revised from $580 to $380 (per land register) to encourage more owners to subscribe to the Service so as to better safeguard their property interest.

A Series of Publicity Activities

To reinforce public awareness of the Service, a series of publicity activities was launched in 2023:

  • Introduced Property A!ert in the TVB’s programmes of《日日有樓睇》,《樓計專家》and《港樓 • 講樓》in February 2023. The Land Registrar elaborated the key features of the Service and how it can help protect the interest of the owners in the interview segment of the programmes;
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  • Displayed built-in promotional message on water bills issued between December 2022 and March 2023 and attached promotional leaflets to Towngas and Hong Kong Electric bills issued in February and March 2023 respectively;
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  • Promoted the Service through our stakeholders, Centaline Property Agency Limited’s newsletter《薈訊CentaLife》(Issue 36) in January 2023, Heung Yee Kuk’s newsletter《鄉情》 (Issue 60) in March 2023 and the Estate Agents Authority’s newsletter “Horizons”《專業天地》in June 2023;
  • Posted new promotional video on the “Anti-Deception Coordination Centre” webpage and Facebook pages of the Senior Police Call of the Hong Kong Police Force; and
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  • Displayed roadside banners at various government venues and new posters at Tsim Sha Tsui pier, MTR Community Board, government poster sites, etc.
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Following the fee reduction and stepped-up publicity activities, there has been a significant increase of applications received since January 2023.

If you wish to know more about the Service or collaborate with our promotional effort, please visit the LR website or call our Customer Service Manager at 3105 0000 (press “0” after selecting the language).

Integrated Registration Information System (IRIS) Enhancements

For enhancing customer experience and user-friendliness, we introduced the following features in December 2022, March and June 2023 respectively:

  • The user interface of the desktop version of the IRIS Online Services was enhanced to provide better user experience;
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  • New function for searching land registers by map was introduced in the desktop version of the IRIS Online Services;
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  • “iAM Smart” was introduced for ad hoc and Self-service Search Terminal (SST) users to authenticate identity and login the IRIS Online Services such that the requirement for filling in the personal identification document number on the “Personal Information Collection Statement and Customer Confirmation Statement” page can be obviated. In addition, if the ad hoc and SST user authorises his/her “iAM Smart” account to provide his/her name to the IRIS Online Services, his/her name will be pre-filled on the page by the system. The same function was already introduced to subscribers in June 2021. By now, the “iAM Smart” is fully supported in the public search functions;
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  • New payment platform was adopted for online payment by VISA and Mastercard to enhance the security of online transactions for users;
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  • The functions of the mobile version of the IRIS Online Services was enhanced to provide similar functionality to that of the desktop version, e.g. enabling search by map and ordering of certified copies via the mobile version; and
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  • A new “Change Account Particulars” function for subscribers was introduced in the desktop version of the IRIS Online Services. Subscribers may update their account particulars in real time by this function.
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Sale of Street Index (SI) (55th edition) and New Territories Lot/Address Cross Reference Table (CRT) (24th edition)

The latest editions of the SI and CRT were released for sale on 28 April 2023. They are useful tools to help customers correlate property addresses, building names or lot numbers for conducting land searches.

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In the new edition of the SI, 525 amendments with five new streets and 49 new lots/sections/subsections have been added. For the new edition of the CRT, 991 amendments have been made and nine new streets and 777 new lots/sections/subsections have been added.

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The price of the SI and CRT on compact disc is HK$370 each. The respective licence fees are HK$2,960 for a computer network linked to less than 50 terminals and HK$5,920 if linked to 50 terminals or more. You can obtain the information leaflets and order forms here.

The SI and CRT are also available online on the LR website for free browsing. Both publications are also accessible through the hyperlink on the IRIS Online Services website.

Title Registration

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We continue to actively pursue the implementation of the land title registration system on newly granted land first (“new land first” proposal). Further to receiving the support of the Legislative Council (LegCo) Panel on Development on the “new land first” proposal on 19 December 2022, a meeting of the Land Titles Ordinance Steering Committee, comprising representatives from key stakeholders and relevant Government departments, was held on 10 January 2023. At the meeting, we updated members on the latest developments and the implementation plan, of which the members were supportive.

We are making preparation for the legislative amendments to the Land Titles Ordinance (LTO) and aim to introduce the Land Titles (Amendment) Bill into the LegCo in early 2024, according to the latest planning. We will continue to engage key stakeholders to work out the implementation details and undertake other preparatory work.

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