Land Registrar's Statement, 2007
Highlights of 2006/07
Organization Chart of the Land Registry
Organization Structure
Management Structure
Services and Workload
Performance Pledges
Customer Service
Future Plan
Financial Objectives
Actual Performance
Fees and Charges
Service enhancement to the Integrated Registration Information System (IRIS)
Reducing stopped deeds
One-stop Stamp Payment and Registration
Property Information Hub
Future Plan
Customer Liaison Groups
Land Registry Joint Standing Committee
Land Registry Circular Memoranda
Land Registry News
Information Pamphlets
Customer Service Hotline
Corporate citizenship
Management Initiatives
Training and Development
Staff Motivation and Recognition
Staff Relations
Safe Workplace
Green Management and Environmental Improvement
Future Plan
Profit and Loss Account
Balance Sheet
Statement of Changes in Equity
Cash Flow Statement
Notes to the Accounts
The Land Registry 2005/06 Annual Report
Fourteenth Year in Review
The Land Registry Trading Fund
Vision, Mission, Values and Functions
Operations and Customer Service
Financial Management
Development Projects and New Services
Title Registration
Public Relations
Human Resources
Risk Management for IT Systems
Report of the Director of Audit
Financial Statements
Annex 2006/07 Performance Pledge
Home Contact Us Management Team Site Map
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Human Resources

Future Plan

(A) Overseas training/attachment

It is the development policy of the Land Registry to provide opportunities and encouragement for staff at all stages of their career to realize their potential by obtaining knowledge, skills and experience that will help them to master changes in work, prepare for new challenges and responsibilities and sustain improvements in the Land Registry as a public service provider and workplace of the highest quality.

To develop our staff to reach their full potential, the Land Registry has formulated plans to send officers to attend overseas training at prestigious learning institutes, training attachments to overseas land registries, and centrally organized training programmes of the Civil Service Bureau in the forthcoming year. Through the well-planned development programme, officers are empowered with competencies and enhanced personal effectiveness to make full and effective contribution to the development of the department as a whole.

(B) Knowledge Management

To secure long-term organizational efficiency and success, a dedicated team headed by a Deputy Registry Manager has been set up to develop a knowledge management (KM) system through which organizational learning, one of the core values of the Land Registry, can be facilitated by systematic transfer and codification of knowledge. The objectives of the KM system are to transform individual knowledge into corporate knowledge easily accessible by all staff, to build up a KM culture in the department and to foster sharing and exchange of knowledge and experience among staff.

Significant benefits at both organizational and individual levels will be brought by the KM system, which include building up a more knowledgeable and competent workforce, securing consistent work standards and practices among staff and enhancing work accuracy and staff efficiency, thus providing improved services to customers. Staff will be motivated to participate in KM by contributing knowledge, insights and experience gained from their daily work.

It is targeted to launch phase I of the KM system on registration-related matters in September 2007.


(C) Best Frontline Staff Award

To promote a culture of quality service and customer-oriented approach in the delivery of services, we have launched the Best Frontline Staff Award in April 2007. The objectives of the award are to recognize quality performance and achievements of staff in customer service and to motivate staff for continuous improvement of services to the public.

Individual staff and team receiving the highest number of written/verbal commendations from our customers each quarter will be awarded. The name of the winning staff and team will be posted at our Customer Centre and New Territories Search Offices. Announcement will also be made in the Land Registry's homepage, Land Registry News and Annual Report.


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