Visit by Real Estate Registry of Saudi Arabia

A delegation led by the Chief Executive Officer of the Real Estate Registry of Saudi Arabia visited us on 7 September 2023. We briefed them on the roles and functions of the Land Registry and had a useful exchange with them on land registration matters. The visit provided good opportunities for sharing experience and insight on continuous improvement to land registration services and the future title registration systems in Saudi Arabia and Hong Kong.

Visit by Real Estate Registry of Saudi Arabia

Visit to Shenzhen Real Estate Registration Center

A delegation led by the Land Registrar paid a visit to the Shenzhen Real Estate Registration Center (the “Center”) on 28 September 2023 to deepen our understanding of the operation of the Center and the land registration services provided. Apart from a guided tour to the Center, the delegation also exchanged experience and views with the senior officials of the Planning and Natural Resources Bureau of Shenzhen Municipality and the Center over the latest developments of land registration regime in Shenzhen and Hong Kong. The visit provided useful perspectives to the title registration system to be introduced in Hong Kong.

Visit to Shenzhen Real Estate Registration Center

Registrars of Title Conference 2023

To keep abreast of the latest trends and developments in land registration, the Land Registry maintains close ties with its overseas counterparts. From 10 to 13 October 2023, the Land Registrar led a delegation to attend the Registrars of Titles Conference 2023 in Melbourne, Australia. The theme of this year’s Conference was “Future of Land Registration in a Post Pandemic Digital World”. The Conference brought together Registrars and their delegates from various overseas jurisdictions and provided an invaluable opportunity for all participants to exchange insights and experience of the latest developments in title registration and registry business.

Registrars of Title Conference 2023

Launch of Guangdong and Hong Kong “Cross-boundary Public Services”

Launch of Guangdong and Hong Kong “Cross-boundary Public Services_Image 1

Guangdong and Hong Kong “Cross-boundary Public Services” (CBPS) was launched on 2 November 2023 with a thematic website to facilitate enterprises and members of the public in Hong Kong and Guangdong Province and Municipalities to access government services online in both places anytime without the need for cross-boundary travel in person.

Six Land Registry’s services including IRIS Online Services and Property Alert are placed on the first batch of 54 CBPS for use by Mainland residents or Hong Kong residents living in Guangdong. They are now able to enjoy user-friendly and convenient cross-boundary search services. This will facilitate greater economic cooperation between Hong Kong and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.

Launch of Guangdong and Hong Kong “Cross-boundary Public Services_Image 2

Land Registry Trading Fund (LRTF) Annual Report 2022/23

Land Registry Trading Fund (LRTF) Annual Report 2022/23

The year of 2022/23 presented both opportunities and challenges to the Land Registry. Given the challenging business environment, we have been exercising prudent and cost-conscious measures while striving to maintain quality delivery of services.

The LRTF Annual Report 2022/23 gives an account of various activities and business performance of the Land Registry in the past year. The report with the audited financial statements by the Director of Audit was released and tabled in the Legislative Council on 25 October 2023.