The Land Registry Trading Fund Hong Kong Annual Report 2013-14 - page 9

Annual Report 2013-14
Vision, Mission, Values and Functions
Our Value to Hong Kong
• Over half of all Hong Kong families are registered property owners.
• Banks and financial institutions loaned about HK$1,980 billion as at March 2014 against the security of
registered land and property.
• Over five million searches of registered information took place in 2013/14.
• Over 90 Government departments and agencies use the Land Registry’s information for purposes
ranging from planning studies to law enforcement.
• Registered information traces back to 1844, providing resources on the economic and social history of
Hong Kong.
The Land Registry’s main functions are to:
• administer a land registration system by maintaining a land register and related land records under the
Land Registration Ordinance (Cap. 128) (LRO) and its regulations;
• provide the public with facilities for search of the land register and other land records;
• provide Government departments and agencies with property information; and
• process applications for incorporation of owners under the Building Management Ordinance (Cap. 344)
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