Professional, Management and Language Training
Throughout the year, the department organised a wide range of training courses to enhance the core
competencies of staff members.
A legal training course on “Law of Contract” was arranged for the Officer Grades staff to reinforce their
understanding on basic legal concepts and principles relating to land and property.
To equip newly recruited Officer Grades staff with the knowledge and skills required for effective management,
we organised tailor-made courses on “Supervisory
Management” and “Performance Appraisal Writing and
Putonghua and English courses were provided to
enhance staff's confidence in communicating with
customers in both Chinese and English.
We also regularly arranged talks and briefing sessions by other Government departments and business
partners in the private sector to broaden our senior staff's knowledge and exposure on land-related subjects,
Government policies and topical issues.
In addition to conventional classroom training, the Land Registry encourages self-learning through e-learning
programme. All staff are granted one day e-learning whereby they are free from their office work to pursue self-learning
of various interested topics at our Learning Resource Centre.