The Land Registry Trading Fund Hong Kong Annual Report 2013-14 - page 63

Annual Report 2013-14
Human Resources Management
Best Frontline Staff Award Scheme
The Land Registry has launched the Best
Frontline Staff Award Scheme since April 2007
with the aim of fostering a culture of good
customer service and to recognise laudable
staff performance and achievements.
Individual staff members and teams receiving
the highest number of commendations from
our customers in each half-year period are
awarded. To give due recognition, the names
of the winning staff members and teams are
posted at the Customer Centre and NTSOs.
Staff Relations
We recognise that effective communication between management and staff is crucial for the provision of
quality service to customers. We are committed to providing an environment that encourages
communication among staff at all levels through regular staff relations meetings, departmental publications
and staff welfare functions.
Departmental Consultative Committee
The Committee comprises 14 representatives of various staff groups and representatives of the
management. It meets quarterly to promote better understanding and cooperation between staff and the
Winner of the Individual Award for the second half year of 2013
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