The Land Registry Trading Fund Hong Kong Annual Report 2013-14 - page 55

Annual Report 2013-14
Title Registration
Recent Development
Stakeholder Consultation
In June 2013, the LTO Steering Committee met to discuss the revised proposal of the Two-Stage Conversion
Mechanism. We also briefed the Heung Yee Kuk and the Consumer Council separately in July and October
2013 on the proposal. The Two-Stage Conversion Mechanism and the rectification and indemnity
arrangements will be further revised to address the concerns raised by the stakeholders and the issues
Review of LTO and Preparation of LT(A)B
Preparation of the LT(A)B is in progress taking into account the changes brought by the latest developments
of the conversion proposal and the rectification and indemnity arrangements. We have also been working
closely with other Government departments to address and resolve interface issues between the LTO and
the ordinances under their purview.
Future Plan
We will continue to work closely with stakeholders to finalise the package of proposed amendments to the
LTO. A public consultation will then be launched on the proposed amendments. Meanwhile, we will
continue with the preparatory work for the drafting of the LT(A)B and its subsidiary legislations.
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