The Land Registry Trading Fund Hong Kong Annual Report 2013-14 - page 57

Annual Report 2013-14
Human Resources Management
Staff Development
The Land Registry maintains a well-trained and highly flexible team of staff. The core group of staff are civil
servants to ensure stability of the department and quality of service to customers. Non-civil Service Contract
(NCSC) staff are also employed to give flexibility to the department for responding to changes in operational
or business needs.
As at 31 March 2014, we employed 479 permanent and 132 NCSC staff. Our permanent staff comprise
officers of various grades including Land Registration Officers, Solicitors, Treasury Accountants, Analysts/
Programmers and general grades. Our NCSC staff include Land Registration Executives, Solicitors,
Accounting Executives, IT staff and contract clerks. We regularly review our staffing position and adjust the
number of NCSC staff in the light of changes in operational requirements.
Staff Training
Staff training is a critical component of human resource development. We provide opportunities and
encouragement for staff at all stages of their career to help them realise their potential. To achieve this, we
develop annual departmental staff training plans and organise training programmes in accordance with the
plans. The ultimate objective is to enable staff to work with confidence, strengthen teamwork, reinforce
commitment to service excellence and support continuous improvement in individual and departmental
In 2013/14, we arranged over 1,900 days of training in various modes on a wide spectrum of subjects.
Organisation-wide Training
Throughout the year, the department organised a wide range of training courses to enhance the core
competencies of staff.
For new recruits of Officer Grade staff, an in-house induction course was arranged to familiarise them with
the operations of the department.
Maintaining a clean, honest and accountable civil service is vital for sustaining public trust. To refresh staff’s
knowledge about integrity management and strengthen their awareness of the roles in managing conflict of
interest, talks on “Managing Conflict of Interest” by the Independent Commission Against Corruption were
delivered to all Senior Clerical Officers and Clerical Officers in June 2013.
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