The Land Registry Trading Fund Hong Kong Annual Report 2013-14 - page 65

Annual Report 2013-14
Human Resources Management
Staff Magazine
The Staff Magazine is a departmental publication issued periodically under an editorial board comprising
staff of various divisions. It covers a wide range of topics including featured stories, business updates,
community involvement, staff news and activity snapshots, environmental protection, health tips and
language knowledge, etc. It is popular among staff and helps promote team spirit and a sense of corporate
Staff Recreation Club
The Staff Recreation Club is run by staff on a voluntary
basis. In 2013/14, it organised various social and
recreational activities for staff and their families,
including the department’s annual dinner, Christmas
party, volunteer social services and outings.
Knowledge Management
The Land Registry maintains a Knowledge Management System to facilitate systematic management and
sharing of knowledge across the department. The system contains over 5,500 reference documents and
precedent cases. Over 200 searches were made by our staff for reference in their daily work in 2013/14.
Future Plan
The Land Registry will continue to reinforce its organisational learning culture by providing appropriate
training programmes to staff and arranging suitable officers to attend executive development programmes
and training programmes of the Civil Service Bureau in the coming year. Through the training and
development programmes, staff capabilities will be strengthened to better prepare for changes and
contribute to the future development of the department.
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