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Frequently Asked Question

Application for Subscription to Property Alert

Q1: How can I subscribe to the Property Alert?

To subscribe to the Property Alert, you have to complete an application form for subscription to Property Alert ( PDF format )( MS Word format )( Online form ) and submit the completed application form by post/courier service, in person or online.

For application by post/courier service, please send the completed application form together with copy of your identification document and an additional document for identity proof to our Customer Centre on 19/F, Queensway Government Offices or any of our New Territories Search Offices. Please refer to Q19 below or the notes in the application form for subscription to Property Alert ( PDF format )( MS Word format )( Online form ) for examples of additional document for identity proof. Please ensure that sufficient postage is paid to avoid unsuccessful delivery. Any underpaid mails will be handled by the Hongkong Post and the Land Registry will not settle the relevant surcharge payment for underpaid mails.

For application in person, please visit our Customer Centre on 19/F, Queensway Government Offices or any of our New Territories Search Offices with the completed application form and your identification document for verification to our satisfaction. If the application is submitted by the representative of a corporate owner, the representative is required to produce his/her identification document for our verification together with a duly signed authorization form, i.e. Annex II of the application form for subscription to Property Alert ( PDF format )( MS Word format )( Online form ). The representative is also required to make a statutory declaration, i.e. Annex III of the application form ( PDF format )( MS Word format )( Online form ) to support the application. Please note that our service hours are Mondays to Fridays from 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. (excluding public holidays).

For online application by individual owner, please complete the online form and digitally sign the form with iAM Smart+ or digital certificate issued by the Hongkong Post Certification Authority or Digi-Sign Certification Services Limited. Provision of copy of your identification document and an additional document for identity proof as stated above may be dispensed with. For online application by corporate owner, please complete the online form, digitally sign the form with your organizational digital certificate issued by the Hongkong Post Certification Authority or Digi-Sign Certification Services Limited and submit the application together with copy of your certificate of incorporation and an additional document for identity proof. Please refer to Q19 below or the notes in the application form for subscription to Property Alert ( PDF format )( MS Word format ) ( Online form ) for examples of additional document for identity proof.

If there is any discrepancy in the name between the proof of identity and the land register concerned or the identification document number provided is different from that contained in the registered instrument under which you acquired the property concerned, additional supporting document is required to be produced to our satisfaction.

Q2: How can I pay the subscription fee for the Property Alert?

We accept the following payment methods:

Submission of applicationPayment methods
In personCash, credit card (VISA / Mastercard), crossed cheque / bank draft / cashier’s order, EPS, FPS or Octopus
By post/courier serviceCrossed cheque / bank draft / cashier’s order
OnlineCredit card (VISA / Mastercard / UnionPay / JCB), PPS, FPS, Apple Pay / Google Pay (VISA / Mastercard only) or e-Cheque

Please do NOT send cash by post/courier service. The crossed cheque/bank draft/cashier’s order/e-Cheque should be made payable to "The Government of the HKSAR" or "The Land Registry". For payment by personal cheque, the service may only be provided after the cheque is cleared and the subscription fee is actually received in full by the Land Registry, which normally takes about 3 working days.

Q3: Will the subscription fee be refunded to me if my application is unsuccessful?
A: Yes. The subscription fee paid will be refunded to you without interest.
Q4: What should I do if there is discrepancy in the name between the identification document / certificate of incorporation and the selected land register?
A: You should provide additional supporting document (e.g. Deed Poll, Certificate of Change of Name, Statutory Declaration, etc.) for our consideration of your application.
Q5: What is the Property Reference Number (PRN)? How can I obtain the PRN?
A: The PRN is a unique computer generated identification number assigned by the Land Registry to each land register. The PRN is available from the land register. It will also be displayed after inputting the address or lot information in the "Search Land Register" and "Search PRN" screens of:

  1. the self-service search terminals installed at our Customer Centre or any of our New Territories Search Offices; or
  2. the IRIS Online Services at www.iris.gov.hk.
Q6: Is it required to provide both the address of the property and the Property Reference Number (PRN) of the land register concerned when I subscribe to the Property Alert?
A: No. You can either provide the address of the property or the PRN of the land register concerned to subscribe to the Property Alert
Q7: I do not know the Property Reference Number (PRN) of my property, can I apply for Property Alert?
A: Yes. Provision of the PRN in the application form is not mandatory. If you do not know the PRN in relation to your property, you can just provide the address of your property in the “Subscription Details” of the application form when subscribing to the service.
Q8: If I know the Property Reference Number (PRN) of my property, can I just provide the Land Registry with the PRN and do not fill in the “Address of the property” in the application form when subscribing to the Property Alert?
A: Yes. In the circumstance, you can opt to provide only the PRN of the land register concerned in the “Subscription Details” of the application form for subscription to the Property Alert.
Q9: How many email addresses can I provide for receiving Property Alert notifications from the Land Registry?

You can provide only one email address for receiving Property Alert notifications in the "Subscription Details" of the application form for subscription to the Property Alert ( PDF format )( MS Word format )( Online form ) for each selected land register.

You can also opt to provide one supplementary email address for your authorized recipient to receive copy of Property Alert notifications and other related correspondence from the Land Registry.

Q10: Whom can I appoint to be my authorized recipient for receiving copy of Property Alert notifications and other related correspondence from the Land Registry?
A: You are advised to appoint a trustworthy person to be your authorized recipient as all Property Alert notifications and other related correspondence issued by the Land Registry to you will be copied to the supplementary email address of your authorized recipient.
Q11: I am a senior subscriber and have difficulty in checking the emails for Property Alert notifications and other related correspondence from the Land Registry. Is there any alternative to alert me of the delivery of any instrument for registration against my property?
A: You may consider appointing a trustworthy person to be your authorized recipient and provide his/her email address for receiving copy of Property Alert notifications and other related correspondence sent to you from the Land Registry. You may also opt to provide one mobile phone number for receiving SMS reminder upon issuance of Property Alert notifications and other related correspondence by the Land Registry.
Q12: What kind of information will be provided in the SMS reminder?
A: The relevant order number and the subject of the Property Alert notification issued will be provided in the SMS reminder.
Q13: Do I need to pay any additional fee if I opt to receive SMS reminder upon issuance of Property Alert notifications and other related correspondence by the Land Registry?
A: No. The Land Registry will not charge you any additional fee for providing the SMS reminder service. However, the Land Registry shall in no event be liable for any costs, charges, losses or expenses of any kind arising or resulting from your use of the SMS reminder service.
Q16: Will I/my authorized recipient receive a verification email and a verification SMS to confirm the validity of the email address(es) for receiving Property Alert notifications and the mobile phone number for receiving SMS reminder from the Land Registry provided by me in the application form for subscription to the Property Alert?
A: Yes. Upon approval of your application by the Land Registry, a verification email and a verification SMS will be sent to your email address and Property Alert supplementary email address of your authorized recipient for receiving Property Alert notifications and the mobile phone number for receiving SMS reminder. If you/your authorized recipient do/does not receive the verification email(s) and the verification SMS within 3 calendar days from the date of the customer payment receipt issued for your application, you should immediately notify the Land Registry in writing by email, by fax or by post quoting the address of the relevant property, the Property Reference Number or the subscriber account number for a double-check.
Q17: I intend to make subscription for more than one land register under one application. Under what circumstances can the Property Alert notifications and SMS be consolidated in one email notification and one SMS reminder?
A: To consolidate all Property Alert notifications and SMS of the same type issued on the same day relating to these land registers in one email notification and in one SMS reminder, you must designate the same Property Alert email address, Property Alert supplementary email address and mobile phone number for these land registers under the same application.
Q18: Can I choose the language for Property Alert notifications and SMS reminder from the Land Registry?
A: Yes. You may choose to receive Property Alert notifications and SMS reminder in either English or Chinese by specifying your option in the "Subscription Details" of the application form for subscription to the Property Alert ( PDF format )( MS Word format )( Online form ). The option you have chosen will be applied to all orders under the same application.
Q19: If I want to submit my application by post/courier service or online, what kinds of document do I need to provide in addition to the completed application form?
A: For application submitted by post/courier service or online, the completed application form together with copy of your identification document and an additional document for identity proof should be submitted to the Land Registry (except for online application submitted by individual owner). Examples of the additional document for identity proof include travel documents issued by the HKSAR Government, passports or travel documents issued by foreign competent authorities, Business Registration Certificate (for corporate owner), utility bill, Demand for Rates and/or Government Rent, tax return, bank statement, etc. As for other types of identity proof, they shall be considered on a case-by-case basis. The same is applicable to application for service renewal and change of particulars submitted by post/courier service or online. For online application submitted by individual owner, provision of copy of your identification document and an additional document for identity proof as stated above may be dispensed with.
Q20: I intend to submit my application for subscription to the Property Alert by post/courier service. Under what circumstances will the actual start date of the service be later than the intended start date of the subscription service I specified in the application form?
A: The actual start date of the subscription service is the approval date of your application by the Land Registry. If your application is received by the Land Registry on/after the intended start date of the service, the actual start date of the service may be/will be later than the intended start date of the subscription service as specified by you. Besides, if the subscription fee is paid by personal cheque, the Property Alert will be provided to you after the cheque is cleared and the subscription fee is actually received in full by the Land Registry which may be later than the subscription service start date you specified in the application form.
Q21: If my application is submitted by post/courier service or online, how can I get the payment receipt?
A: The payment receipt will be sent to your email address for receiving Property Alert notifications specified in the application form.
Q22: If my application is submitted by post/courier service or online, how can I know whether my application is successful or not?
A: If your application is approved by the Land Registry, a verification email will be sent to your email address for receiving Property Alert notifications. For rejection case, a rejection letter specifying the reason(s) of the rejection together with your crossed cheque/bank draft/cashier’s order (applicable for application by post/courier service only) will be sent to your correspondence address specified in the application form by registered mail.
Q23: If my application is submitted by post/courier service, how can I get back my crossed cheque/bank draft in case my application is rejected by the Land Registry?
A: If your application is rejected by the Land Registry, a rejection letter specifying the reasons of rejection with your crossed cheque/bank draft will be sent to your correspondence address specified in the application form by registered mail.
Q24: I am living/working outside Hong Kong and unable to submit my application to the Land Registry in person. How can I apply for subscription to the Property Alert for a property held under my name?
A: You can choose to submit the application online or by post/courier service. For online application, please complete the online form and digitally sign the form with iAM Smart+ or digital certificate issued by the Hongkong Post Certification Authority or Digi-Sign Certification Services Limited. If you choose to submit the application by post/courier service, please send the completed application form together with copy of your identification document and an additional document for identity proof to our Customer Centre on 19/F, Queensway Government Offices or any of our New Territories Search Offices. Examples of the additional document for identity proof include travel documents issued by the HKSAR Government, passports or travel documents issued by foreign competent authorities, Business Registration Certificate (for corporate owner), utility bill, Demand for Rates and/or Government Rent, tax return, bank statement, etc. As for other types of identity proof, they shall be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Q25: I am the director of a company, can I use my personal digital certificate to sign the completed online form for subscription to the Property Alert in respect of the company’s property?
A: No. For online application submitted by corporate owner, the completed online form should be digitally signed with the organizational digital certificate issued by the Hongkong Post Certification Authority or Digi-Sign Certification Services Limited.
Q26: Can I authorize my personal representative to submit the application online on my behalf?
A: No. Online application should be made by the registered owner. Any online application submitted by the registered owner's authorized representative will not be accepted.
Q27: As a corporate owner, how can I provide copy of the certificate of incorporation and additional document for identity proof if I want to apply for subscription to the Property Alert online?
A: You can upload copy of the certificate of incorporation and additional document for identity proof online. The file size of each document should be limited to 5 MB.
Q28: Can I entrust my relative to apply for subscription to the Property Alert on my behalf at your office due to mobility impairment?
A: The application form must be signed by you and you may choose to submit your application by post/courier service or online.