Deeds Registration
(I) Registration of Deeds(II) Deed Registration Process
(III) Registration Fees
(II) Deed Registration Process
Step 1 - Preparation by lodging party
- The solicitors’ firm handling the property transaction will prepare the necessary document and arrange it for registration.
- Each document should be accompanied by a memorial form, which contains the essential particulars of the document.
- The memorial form should be verified by the certificate of a solicitor.
- Each batch of documents should be accompanied by a lodgement list showing the proper sequence of documents to be lodged.
Step 2 - Lodgement of deeds
- The documents, the corresponding memorials, the lodgement list and registration fee should be presented to the lodgement counter at the Land Registry.
- Upon receiving the documents, memorials, the lodgement list and registration fee, the lodgement counter staff will enter the lodgement particulars into the Integrated Registration Information System (the System).
- A receipt showing all the memorial numbers allotted by the System for each document and the payment of registration fee will also be issued to the lodging party.

Step 3 - Data entry of information of the document
- The particulars contained in the memorial will be entered into the System on the same day of receipt.
- The System will then generate a Memorial Day Book containing all the memorials in regular succession on the next day for inspection by the public.

Step 4 - Scrutiny and Registration of document
- The Land Registry will check to ensure that:
- The document affects land and is registrable.
- The information contained in the memorial is accurate and complete.
- The requirements under the Land Registration Ordinance (Cap.128) and Land Registration Regulations (Cap. 128A) are met.
- After registration of the document, the land register will then be updated and the images of the memorial and the document will be kept in the System for public search.
The above procedures are illustrated in a "Flowchart on Registration Procedures".
For the number of court cases involving the accuracy of registered data on the land register that the Land Registry was served as a party to the proceedings in the past five years, please click here.