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Frequently Asked Questions

Subscriber Account and Login ID

Q1: What is the difference between an ad hoc user and a subscriber?
A: An ad hoc user can access the IRIS Online Services on a need basis. Payment can be settled by credit card (VISA/Mastercard/ Union Pay/JCB), PPS and FPS in the desktop version or by credit card (VISA/Mastercard/ Union Pay/JCB), FPS, Apple Pay and Google Pay (VISA and Mastercard only) in the mobile version. A Subscriber is usually a frequent user. Service fees are settled by monthly autopay. The subscriber will pay to the Land Registry a non-refundable application fee, a non-refundable fee for each Supplementary Login ID and a non-interest bearing deposit for each subscriber account.
Q2: How to register as an IRIS Online Services subscriber?
Q3: How to unlock a locked Login ID and reset the password?
A: Locked Login ID can be unlocked and password can be reset by one of the following methods:

  1. If you have already set up the security profile, you can unlock your locked Login ID and reset the password through the “Forget Password” function (for normal login) or unlock your locked Login ID through the “Unlock Login ID” function (for login with digital certificate) in the IRIS Online Services. Please refer to Q27 below for the procedure for setting up the security profile.
  2. Ask your supervisor (i.e. Login ID with supervisor privilege) to unlock your locked Login ID through the “Enquire Login ID(s) Status” function.
  3. (For normal login only) Submit the "Unlocking Login ID Request Form (for Normal Login)" by fax or click here to submit the request form online.
Q4: What subscriber account information can be enquired online?
A: Subscribers can enquire online the account balance, current statement, monthly statements for the past 6 months and statement by date range.
Q5: How to apply for partial refund of deposit?
A: A deposit of 2-month usage should be maintained in the IRIS Online Services Subscriber Account. The subscriber may write to the Land Registry to request for refund of any excessive deposit placed. Refund will be arranged accordingly.
Q6: How to calculate the unused balance of deposit of a Subscriber Account?
A: The unused balance of deposit is calculated as the amount of deposit placed less the outstanding service fees not yet paid for previous months and the current month service fees.
Q7: Why does the system reject my confirmation of transaction when the unused balance of deposit is low?
A: Confirmation of transaction will be rejected if the unused balance of deposit is insufficient to cover the transaction amount. You are advised to increase the amount of deposit.
Q8: I am a subscriber. How can I check the unused balance of deposit of my account?
A: After logging in the IRIS system, the current Unused Balance Alert Function of the deposit of your account is shown on the screen.
Subscribers can follow the steps below to enable the Unused Balance Alert Function. When your account's unused balance has dropped below your pre-set balance threshold, you can receive notification by email and/or alert message on screen according to your preference.
  1. Log in the IRIS website (desktop version) by using a supervisor Login ID.
  2. Select "Enquire Account Balance Alert" function.
  3. Click "Edit" to enter the "Set up Account Balance Alert" screen.

    • Select a balance threshold format and then enter either a fixed amount (e.g. $1,000) or a percentage of your deposit amount (e.g. 10% of the $20,000 deposit, i.e. $2,000); and
    • Select email and/or alert on screen for receiving the notification. If you select the notification by email, you should enter your email address.
  4. Click "Continue" to view your settings again and then click "Confirm" to complete the setup procedure.
In addition, you can edit your settings such as:

  • change the balance threshold or email address;
  • unselect all notification methods.

To view your amendment history in the past 6 months, you can select "Enquire Account Balance Alert" function and click the "View Balance Alert Change History". 
Q9: What is the clearing date for autopay?
A: The clearing date for autopay is the 5th working day of each month. The subscriber should ensure sufficient money in its bank account on or before 4th working day of each month for auto-payment. The auto-payment received is updated to IRIS on the day after the 7th working day of each month.
Q10: What is the procedure of changing the authorised bank for autopay?
A: Complete " Direct Debit Authorisation Form" (LR/OLS/2) and return it to the Land Registry. Keep sufficient money in the original bank account for auto-payment until we notify you that the bank has confirmed completion of processing. 
Q11: Can subscriber login with Digital Certificate in the mobile version of the IRIS Online Services?
A: No. Subscriber can login the mobile version of the IRIS Online Services using only normal login method and iAM Smart.
Q12: What kind of Digital Certificates can be used for Subscriber Login?
A: Subscribers can choose to login with Digital Certificates in the desktop version of the IRIS Online Services. Hongkong Post 'Organisational' / 'Personal' e-Cert or Digi-Sign 'Organisational' / 'Personal' ID-Cert will be accepted. For details, please refer to the Hongkong Post e-Cert website (http://www.hongkongpost.gov.hk) or Digi-Sign Certification Services Limited website (http://www.dg-sign.com). 
Q13: Can I login the IRIS Online Services (“the Services”) with iAM Smart?
A: The iAM Smart login method is only available to Hong Kong resident. If you are a Hong Kong resident, you can register with iAM Smart System for an iAM Smart account by installing the iAM Smart Mobile Application to your own device with built-in biometric authentication. For eligible Hong Kong resident of age below 18, registration of iAM Smart account can be performed via the same channels, but to be supported by a guardian with age 18 or above. An iAM Smart account can only be bound to one device at a time.
Q15: Can iAM Smart login method be used on both my desktop and mobile device?
A: Yes. If you are a subscriber, you can use iAM Smart to login for the IRIS Online Services on both desktop and mobile device after you have linked the subscriber login ID with the iAM Smart account.
Q16: If I am a subscriber, how many login ID I can link to iAM Smart account?
A: You can link 3 Login IDs to your iAM Smart Account.
Q17: Does the system allow concurrent login using the same Subscriber Login ID?
A: No. The system does not allow more than one login to the system concurrently using the same Subscriber Login ID. In addition, the system does not allow login to the desktop version and mobile version of the IRIS Online Services concurrently at the same time.
Q18: I understand that the login ID will be suspended after 5 unsuccessful login. Will my account be suspended if I try to login 3 times today and 2 times the following day?
A: Yes. Your login ID will be revoked after 5 consecutive unsuccessful login (the count of the 5 consecutive unsuccessful login includes both desktop version and mobile version).
Q19: How much is the application fee, or annual fee and deposit for registering as an IRIS Online Services Subscriber?
A: Applicant shall pay a non-refundable application fee of HK$1,500 at one time when registering as an IRIS Online Services Subscriber. No annual fee is required. A non-interest bearing deposit, which is calculated on your 2-month usage should be paid first. The minimum amount of the deposit is HK$500. A non-refundable fee of HK$750 is payable for each supplementary Login ID upon request.
Q20: Can subscribers retrieve statements for the past 12 months online?
A: Through the online "Enquire Subscriber Information" function, subscribers can enquire the account balance in real time and retrieve the current statement (covering the period from the 1st day of the month up to the previous day) and monthly statements for the past 6 months. Subscribers can also enquire the information by specifying a date range or a particular day within the past 183 days. As the system only keeps 6 months' information for online retrieval, subscribers may contact the Accounts Help Desk on 3105 0000 if a statement beyond the past 6 months is required.
Q21: How long will the password of a Subscriber Login ID expire?
A: If the Subscriber Login ID is dormant for 90 days, the password of that Login ID will expire. You may contact the Search Services Help Desk (Tel.: 3105 0000) for resetting the password.
Q22: When placing orders for land records, users often have to change the mailing/email address pre-filled by the system. Can users retain the amended particulars for next login?
A: If users login as a subscriber, the system will pre-fill the customer information of the subscriber account in the "Your Order List - Enter Customer Information" page. After changing the mailing/email address or such other particulars, users may select to retain and carry forward the amended particulars to the next login.
Q23: Can the "Contact Person Name" field on the "Enter Customer Information" page be pre-filled with the information provided in "Searcher Name/Authorised User Name" field?

The "Contact Person Name" field is left blank to allow more flexibility to users.

Effective from March 2012, a new option has been added to the "Your Order List – Enter Customer Information" screen to allow retaining temporarily the input of customer information (e.g. contact person name, contact person phone number, etc.) for the next search.

Q24: How to view the daily balance statement if I am using the desktop version of the IRIS Online Services?
A: Subscribers can extract the information for a particular day from the monthly statement. The account balance of the current day can be viewed by selecting the "Enquire Account Balance" as Service Option under the "Enquire Subscriber Information" menu in the desktop version of the IRIS Online Services. This daily balance summary is available online and updated daily. The "Balance brought forward" as seen on the summary shows the total outstanding service fee of the related account up to the previous day while the breakdown of the service fees incurred for the current day is listed below. Subscribers can also print out the daily balance summary for record purpose. Subscribers can also view the account balance in the mobile version.
Q25: Why should I need to keep the initial password (i.e. the password issued when the subscriber account was opened)? If I lost it, what should I do?

You are advised to keep the initial password as you will need to use it to login the IRIS Online Services again after your Login ID has been unlocked by our Search Services Help Desk.
The initial password, if lost, can be obtained by application in writing with authorized signature and company chop (for organization subscriber) to the Search Services Help Desk at Unit 1202, 12/F, One Kowloon, 1 Wang Yuen Street, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon.

Q26: What is the “Forget Password” or “Unlock Login ID” function?
A: If you are a subscriber of the IRIS Online Services and have already set up the security profile, you can unlock your locked Login ID and reset the password through the “Forget Password” function (for normal login) or unlock your locked Login ID through the “Unlock Login ID” function (for login with digital certificate). You must provide correct answer to one of your pre-set security questions. After successful verification of your identity, the system will unlock your Login ID and reset the password (for normal login) immediately. Please refer to Q27 for the procedure for setting up the security profile and Q28 and Q29 for details of using the “Forget Password” and “Unlock Login ID” functions respectively.
Q27: How to set up the security profile for using the “Forget Password” or “Unlock Login ID” function?

You must ask your supervisor (i.e. Login ID with supervisor privilege) to enable the use of this function for you. If you are supervisor, you can use this function right away.

To set up the security profile, you have to select “Enquire Security Profile” from the function menu and then click “Set up Security Profile”. On the “Set up Security Profile” screen, you have to select three security questions and provide answers and then enter an email address for receiving a temporary password (for normal login user) or a notification email (for user login with digital certificate) after unlocking the Login ID.

Q28: If I am a subscriber using normal login method, how can I unlock my Login ID and reset my password through the IRIS Online Services?
A: You can follow the steps below:
  1. In the “Subscriber Login” screen, select “For Normal Login User” as the “Login Options” first and then click “Forget Password”.
  2. Type your Login ID and registered email address. Note(i)
  3. Provide answer to the security question on screen. You can select another one if you forget the answer of that question. Note(ii)
  4. The system will verify your identity according to your answer to the question. If the answer is correct, the system will reset the password of your Login ID immediately by a temporary password which will be sent to your registered email address. The temporary password is only valid for 24 hours and therefore, you must complete the next step within 24 hours.
  5. After receiving the email, go to the subscriber login screen again. Type your Login ID and the temporary password provided in the email. After successfully logging on to the system, you will be directed to the “Change Password” screen to reset your password.
Note(i)If you fail to provide your correct email address for 5 times, the system will temporarily block you from using the “Forget Password” function for 10 minutes.
Note(ii)If you cannot provide correct answer to the questions for 5 times, you are not allowed to use this online “Forget Password” function to unlock your locked Login ID.
Q29: If I am a subscriber using Digital Certificate login method, how can I unlock Login ID through the IRIS Online Services?
A: You can follow the steps below:
  1. In the “Subscriber Login” screen (desktop version), select “For User Login with Digital Certificate” as the “Login Options” first and then click “Unlock Login ID”.
  2. Type your Login ID and registered email address. Note(i)
  3. Provide answer to the security question on screen. You can select another one if you forget the answer of that question. Note(ii)
  4. The system will verify your identity according to your answer to the question. If the answer is correct, the system will unlock your Login ID immediately. A notification email will be sent to your registered email address.
Note(i)If you fail to provide your correct email address for 5 times, the system will temporarily block you from using the “Unlock Login ID” function for 10 minutes.
Note(ii)If you cannot provide correct answer to the questions for 5 times, you are not allowed to use this online “Unlock Login ID” function to unlock your locked Login ID.
Q30: Can supervisor (i.e. Login ID with supervisor privilege) disable the “Unlock Login ID” and “Forget Password” functions of the supplementary Login ID?
A: Yes. Through the “Enquire Login ID(s) status” online function in IRIS Online Services, supervisor can enable or disable the use of “Unlock Login ID” and “Forget Password” functions by any one of the supplementary Login IDs under the same account.
Q31: Can supervisor (i.e. Login ID with supervisor privilege) lock the supplementary Login ID to use the online search services?
A: Yes. Through the “Enquire Login ID(s) status” online function in IRIS Online Services, supervisor can lock or unlock any one of the supplementary Login ID under the same account to use the online search services.