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Search of Land Records

Procedures for Conducting Counter Searches and Self-service Searches

Land records are kept by the Land Registry primarily for the purpose of facilitating property transactions. For every land transaction, it is important to ascertain who the registered owner of the property is and what incumbrances, if any, are registered against it. A land search will provide the searcher with the information.

1. Search of Land Registers and Request for Copies of Land Documents

All search counters at the Customer Centre and NTSOs provide one-stop counter search and self-service search services for land registers and copies of land documents.

Customers are required to provide the following information and other requirements e.g. plain or certified copy, coloured plan, etc. to any search counter or enter the information and requirements at a self-service search terminal:
Search of Computerized Land Registers and Request for Copies of Imaged Documents
Type of Land RecordInformation to be provided
Land RegisterAddress / Lot number / Property Reference Number (PRN)
Memorial/DocumentMemorial Number
Government Lease / Block Government LeaseLot Type and / or Lot Number
Conditions of Grant / Sale / Exchange / New Grant, etc.Conditions Number / New Grant Number
If the requested record is found, a customer pay statement will be printed. Customers should check if the details of their request and their identification information are correctly shown on the pay statement. For counter search, customers have to produce the related identification documents for checking by the Land Registry staff and confirm/acknowledge the purposes of keeping land records, the contents of the Personal Information Collection Statement, the terms and conditions for counter search services and compliance with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap. 486) by signing on the customer pay statements before payment of the search fees.

For counter search, customers may settle payment by cash / cheque / EPS / credit card (VISA or Mastercard) / Octopus / FPS. For self-service search, customers may choose payment by credit card (VISA / Mastercard / UnionPay / JCB) / PPS / Octopus / FPS. A customer payment receipt will be printed for customers’ retention.

The requested record will, in most cases, be printed from the printers at the search counters and the self-service search terminals. However, in some cases, e.g. request for a certified copy, the record will be printed by printers at the back office. For the latter cases, customers will be notified of when the requested record will be available for collection.  Customers will need to present the customer payment receipt for collection of the requested record.

2. Inspection of Original Land Grant Documents

The following land grant documents are available for inspection by appointment via the e-Booking Service or with our search staff at the Customer Centre or any of the NTSOs.

  • Government Lease including Conditions and New Grant
  • Block Government Lease
  1. Customers are required to fill in a request form with the following information:
    Type of Land RecordInformation Required
    Government LeaseDemarcation District/Survey District Number and the Lot Number of the property concerned, or Conditions/New Grant Number
    Block Government LeaseDemarcation District/Survey District Number or lot description of the Block Government Lease
  2. If the requested record is available, customers will be informed to go to our Land Registry Archive in Sha Tin for payment and inspection. Customers may settle payment by cash / cheque / credit card (VISA or Mastercard) / Octopus / FPS. A customer payment receipt will be printed for customers’ retention.
  3. The requested record will be presented for inspection.
  4. After inspection, customers shall return the land records intact to our staff.

3. Inspection of Memorial Day Book and Request for a Copy of an Entry in a Memorial Day Book

  1. Customers can inspect any Memorial Day Book of the last 90 days and obtain copy of any entry therein through the counter search service or the self-service search terminals at the Customer Centre and NTSOs. For Memorial Day Book dated on or after 12 February 2005 and prior to the last 90 days, customers can obtain a copy of an entry at the search counters in the Customer Centre and NTSOs.
  2. (i) To obtain a copy of an entry in a Memorial Day Book prior to 12 February 2005, customers should go to the following offices:
    OfficeRelated Districts
    Customer Centre  Link to GeoInfo Map - Customer CentreHong Kong Island, Kowloon and Islands district
    Tai Po Search Office  Link to GeoInfo Map - Tai Po Search OfficeNorth, Sai Kung, Sha Tin and Tai Po districts
    Tsuen Wan Search Office  Link to GeoInfo Map - Tsuen Wan Search OfficeTsuen Wan and Tuen Mun districts
    Yuen Long Search Office  Link to GeoInfo Map - Yuen Long Search OfficeYuen Long district

    (ii) Customers shall complete and submit a request form to our staff at the search counter.

    (iii) Customers may settle payment at the search counter by cash / cheque / EPS / credit card (VISA or Mastercard) / Octopus / FPS. A customer payment receipt will be printed for customers’ retention.

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