The Land Registry - Title Registration - Proposals for Title Registration
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Hong Kong currently adopts a deeds registration system. To enhance title certainty and simplify conveyancing procedures, the Land Titles Ordinance (Cap. 585) has been enacted to provide for a title registration system which will come into effect after completion of a comprehensive review and passage of the necessary legislative amendments.
Post-enactment Review and Preparation for Title Registration
At the request of the Legislative Council, the Government undertook to conduct a comprehensive review of the Land Titles Ordinance (Cap. 585) and consider making necessary amendments to the Ordinance in consultation with the key stakeholders before its commencement.
“New Land First” Proposal
The Land Registry is actively pursuing the “new land first” proposal to enable early implementation of title registration system in Hong Kong.
Proposed Two-Stage Conversion Mechanism
A Two-Stage Conversion Mechanism has been proposed for consultation with the key stakeholders in order to address their diverse views and concerns over the conversion mechanism, and the rectification and indemnity arrangements under the Land Titles Ordinance (Cap. 585).