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Roles of Land Registrar under Building Management Ordinance (Cap. 344)

Owners' Corporations

Owners' Corporations

(I) Application for registration of owners' corporations

(II) Filing of Notice of Policy of Insurance

(III) Filing of Notice of Change of Particulars

(IV) Search of the owners' corporations records and Index of Owners' Corporations


It has always been the government's policy to encourage and assist owners of private properties to form owners' corporations for effective building management. The Building Management Ordinance was enacted to provide a legal framework for the formation and operation of an owners' corporation. It aims to facilitate the incorporation of private property owners for better building management. Under the Building Management Ordinance, the Land Registry is responsible for processing and approving applications for registration of owners' corporations, issuing certificates of registration and maintaining a register of corporations for public search. For building management matters, the owners or the owners' corporations of the buildings can approach Home Affairs Department for assistance and advice.