Verification Code
No. Subscribers under the Property Alert (which was launched on 28 January 2019) are no longer given the option to apply for a Verification Code and no new Verification Code will be issued. However, if you wish to apply for service renewal/change of particulars by post/courier service or online, you may still do so. You have to submit the completed application form together with copy of your identification document and an additional document for identity proof to the Land Registry. You may refer to Q19 under "Application for Subscription to the Property Alert" above or the notes in the application forms for subscription to the Property Alert (PDF format)(MS Word format)(Online form) or change of particulars (PDF format)(MS Word format)(Online form) for examples of additional proof of identity. For online application submitted by individual owner, provision of copy of your identification document and an additional document for identity proof as stated above may be dispensed with.
Yes. You may continue to use the Verification Code in making application for service renewal or change of particulars.
No. With effect from 28 January 2019, we no longer issue new Verification Code and we will not accept request for replacement of a lost Verification Code.