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Frequently Asked Question

Ordering Land Records

(I) Ordering Land Register

Q1: How to conduct online search of land register?
A: Go to the Integrated Registration Information System (IRIS) Online Services website at www.iris.gov.hk and select “Search Land Register” from the function menu. You need to enter the street name, development name, lot details or Property Reference Number (PRN) of the property. You may also use the “Search by Map” function to search a lot and its PRN directly on the digital map.
Q2: What does the word "(Closed)" in red under the PRN on the land register selection screen mean?
A: A land register will be "closed" under certain circumstances such as when (a) the lot concerned has been carved out into sections/subsections or resumed by/surrendered to the government or sub-divided into undivided shares; (b) the building concerned has been demolished/re-developed; or (c) the unit concerned has been further divided into several units. Generally, no further transactions will be recorded on the land register once it has been "closed". For further transactions of the lot/building/unit concerned, searchers have to refer to the section/subsection/sub-division registers or registers of the re-developed building/units after division.
Q3: Shall I input Chinese address to the search screens in the Chinese platform only?
A: The search screens in both the English and Chinese platforms allow input of the Chinese address.
Q4: Can I search the required land register by inputting Chinese Development Name / Street Name in the Chinese platform?
A: You can search the land register by inputting Chinese in both Chinese & English platforms only if the Chinese Development Name / Street Name has been built in IRIS as a retrieval key. If you cannot find the required land register, please try again by inputting English Development Name / Street Name.
Q5: Any faster methods to conduct online land searches for the whole building or all units of the same floor?
A: At present, search of whole building (Bulk Search) function is only available through Counter Search at our Customer Centre at QGO and our NT Search Offices.

For search of all units of the same floor through the IRIS Online Services, input "*" in the "Flat/No." field. The IRIS Online Services will return a list of all "Flat" registers on the floor of the building that matches the rest of the address inputted. You may then select all the registers and add to the Order List.

Q6: For using the Development Name (English) as the search key, will all the developments with the same name but in different districts be retrieved for search?
A: If there are more than one Development Name matching the inputted data, the IRIS Online Services will display a Block List showing details of the Block No., Lot No. and Block Description. The searcher can then click the required Block for further processing.
Q7: How to conduct search on buildings in Discovery Bay City?
A: To search for Discovery Bay City, the searcher may either use the Development Name ("Discovery Bay City") or Lot Details for retrieving the required land registers. If the searcher is not sure what the Block code (e.g. "BRIL" for Brilliance Court) should be, he / she can enter the rest of the address information but leave the "*" in the "Block" field. The IRIS Online Services will return a list of Blocks with Block Descriptions for him / her to select.

If the searcher encounters any difficulty in searching land registers of this development at the IRIS Online Services, he / she may make reference to the New Territories Lot/Address Cross Reference Table ( free online browsing version is available on LR’s website) or contact the Search Services Help Desk (Tel.: 3105 0000) for assistance.

Q8: How to conduct search on "Fairview Park" in Yuen Long and "Hong Lok Yuen" in Tai Po?
A: To search for "Fairview Park" or "Hong Lok Yuen", the searcher may use the Lot Type and Lot No. (including the Section and Sub-section of the Lot) or House/Building No. and Street Name or Development Name. Please note that this enhanced function of search of lot registers by using address information is using the information from external sources such as the Rating and Valuation Department. Relevant land register order on screens and statements / receipts can be distinguished by an indicator "**" showing next to the Property Reference Number (PRN) or Order Number.

Searcher must refer to the Important Notice and check carefully against other sources of information to ensure that the lot register identified is the one wanted by him/her.
Q9: Is the 'House / Building No.' appearing in the search screen under Search Option 'Street Name Section' equivalent to the 'street number'?
A: Yes. Searcher can input the 'house', 'building' or 'street' number in the field 'House / Building No.'.
Q10: How to enter the "Area Code" and "Street Name" when searching land register of properties situated at "...Castle Peak Road Kwai Chung"?
A: A searcher may enter "Castle" in the street name field. Since all street names starting with "Castle" together with the respective districts will be shown, he/she may simply select the required one in the suggestion list. He/she may also make reference to the following table when searching land register of properties situated at "... Castle Peak Road Kwai Chung":

Area Code and Street Name
Street Name DescriptionArea Code"Street Name" Field to be Input
Castle Peak Road Kwai ChungTsuen WanCastle Peak Road Kwai Chung
Castle Peak Road Sham TsengTsuen WanCastle Peak Road Sham Tseng
Castle Peak Road Ting KauTsuen WanCastle Peak Road Ting Kau
Castle Peak Road Tsing Lung TauTsuen WanCastle Peak Road Tsing Lung Tau
Castle Peak Road Tsuen WanTsuen WanCastle Peak Road Tsuen Wan
Castle Peak Road Castle Peak BayTuen MunCastle Peak Road Castle Peak Bay
Castle Peak Road Hung Shui KiuTuen MunCastle Peak Road Hung Shui Kiu
Castle Peak Road Lam TeiTuen MunCastle Peak Road Lam Tei
Castle Peak Road San HuiTuen MunCastle Peak Road San Hui
Castle Peak Road Mai PoYuen LongCastle Peak Road Mai Po
Castle Peak Road Ping ShanYuen LongCastle Peak Road Ping Shan
Castle Peak Road San TinYuen LongCastle Peak Road San Tin
Castle Peak Road Yuen LongYuen LongCastle Peak Road Yuen Long
Castle Peak Road Kwu TungNorthCastle Peak Road Kwu Tung
Q11: How to conduct land search of properties under the Home Ownership Scheme if the "Block Name" information is different from that of the land registers, i.e. XX House vs. Block A?
A: The block name information shown in the land register is based on the information stated in the registered Deed of Mutual Covenant or Assignment of the affected premises. Searchers may refer to the Appendix on Home Ownership Scheme in the "Names of Buildings" published by the Rating and Valuation Department for the required block name information. Besides, searchers can call the Search Services Help Desk for assistance.
Q12: How to conduct search by "Development Name" if the name of the building has been changed?
A: You may make reference to the "Names of Buildings" published by the Rating and Valuation Department or call our Search Services Help Desk for assistance.
Q13: How to make a land search if only the street no. and street name are available but the development name and lot no. are not available?
A: In most cases, house/building no. and street name are sufficient for conducting land search. You can select either the "Street Name" section, or "Development Name" section or "Lot Details" section as the retrieval key for conducting the land search. If you encounter any difficulties when conducting the land search, please contact the Search Services Help Desk (Tel.: 3105 0000) for assistance.
Q14: Any faster methods to conduct searches on peculiar lot records?
A: To search for peculiar lot records, select "Lot Details Section" at the "Search Land Register" screen, input the Lot Type code in the "Lot Type" field and then click the "View Peculiar Lots" icon. The IRIS Online Services will return a list of lots matching the inputted Lot Type code. The searcher can then choose from the list the required register. The list is sorted by Lot Type and Lot No.
Q15: How to find the lot number / input the lot type code of properties especially those in the New Territories with D.D. only?
A: You may make reference to the Street Index / New Territories Lot / Address Cross Reference Table on disc or the online version for free browsing or obtain relevant information from Lands Department.

In general, the lot type code for D.D. Lot is DDxxxL and customers may also use the "Find Lot Type" function in IRIS to obtain relevant information. To search for the Lot Type code, at the "Search Land Register" screen, click the "Find Lot Type" link. At the "Find Lot Type" screen, enter the Lot Type description. Once the searcher enters a character in the screen, the IRIS Online Services will return a list of all Lot Types matching this character, and so on. For example, if the searcher inputs "KO", the IRIS Online Services will return a list of Lot Types such as "Kowloon Farm Lot" (Lot Type Code "KFL"), "Kowloon Garden Lot" ("KGL") and "Kowloon Inland Lot" ("KIL"). The searcher can click the hyperlink of the required Lot Type Code and system will carry the same back to the "Search Land Register" screen.
Q16: How to input lot no. under Taxlord lot?
A: As a general guideline, the Lot Type will be "DDxxxTL" and the Lot No. may or may not contain a prefix "T", e.g. DD6TL Lot Nos. T32, 712. If the searcher encounters any difficulty in searching these Taxlord Lot land registers at the IRIS Online Services, he / she may contact the Search Services Help Desk (Tel.: 3105 0000) for assistance.
Q17: Can I obtain information on the extension part of a lot in the land register of the property concerned?
A: It depends on whether the related documents such as extension letter are lodged for registration. You may consider conducting a land search to see whether it contains useful information to you.
Q18: How to obtain information on whether a lot, including "small house" has been sub-divided?
A: You may select "Lot Details Section" and input the Lot Type and Lot No. in the relevant fields and select 'Sub-Division Registers (SDR) only'. If the lot (where the small house is erected) has been sub-divided, guidance screens will be shown for your selection of the related sub-division registers.
Q19: Can we search the land register of small house through IRIS if the lot type and lot no. are not available?
A: The lot type and lot no. are essential for conducting land search of small house. If the information is not available, you may make reference to the New Territories Lot/Address Cross Reference Table ( free online browsing version is available on LR's website) or to approach the relevant District Survey Office of the Lands Department.

With the enhanced function of search of lot registers by using address information, the searcher may try to search by House/Building No. and Street Name or Development Name. Please note that this enhanced function of search of lot registers by using address information is using the information from external sources such as the Rating and Valuation Department. Relevant land register order on screens and statements / receipts can be distinguished by an indicator "**" showing next to the Property Reference Number (PRN) or Order Number.

Searcher must refer to the Important Note and check carefully against other sources of information to ensure that the lot register identified is the one wanted by him/her.
Q20: Whether all new properties have a Property Reference Number (PRN)?
A: Each and every land register created for a property will be allotted a PRN by the system for easy reference.
Q21: Why am I unable to retrieve a lot register by address via the IRIS Online Services? In some cases, the lot register itself contains the address information.
A: Since March 2013, through the use of address information obtained from external sources such as the Rating and Valuation Department, the Land Registry has implemented an enhanced function to facilitate the search of lot registers by address in the IRIS Online Services. However, there are still some lot registers that cannot be retrieved by address in the IRIS because the matching work of the properties concerned is still in progress or owing to some technical constraints. For these cases, you may make reference to the Street Index and New Territories Lot / Address Cross Reference Table available for free online browsing on the LR’s website or contact the Search Services Help Desk (Tel. 3105 0000) for assistance.

(II) Ordering Land Document

Q1: How to obtain black and white plans with size > A4 in original plan size?
A: For orders placed through the IRIS Online Services, black and white plans with size > A4 will be delivered in original plan size if (i) the plans are attached to instruments registered on or after 12 February 2005 and the order is delivered by "View by Browser", "Download" or "Email"; or (ii) nature of the order is "Certified". Searchers may also make refer to the "Maximum Plan Size" field on the “Order Land Document result” screen for information on the plan size.
Q2: How to order pre-IRIS and post- IRIS memorials withheld from registration?
A: The searcher may order documents withheld from registration in black and white version through the IRIS Online Services (OLS). However, if the withheld document is not available for ordering through OLS, a message "Image Document not available for order (Reason: XXXXX)." will be displayed. In that case, please contact our Document Processing Section at Customer Centre (CC) at QGO (Tel. No. 2867 2868) to check if a photocopy can be ordered at CC.
Q3: How can I obtain the memorial number of a registered document if I only have the address of a property?
A: You may conduct a land search against the property concerned and the memorial number of the registered document is shown in the land register.
Q4: How to obtain plans with size > A4 in original plan size?
A: For orders placed through the IRIS Online Services, black and white plans with size > A4 will be delivered in original plan size if (i) the plans are attached to instruments registered on or after 12 February 2005 and the order is delivered by "View by Browser", "Download" or "Email"; or (ii) nature of the order is "Certified". For orders of coloured plans, plans with size < A0 will be delivered in original plan size.
Q5: Can the plans deposited under various Ordinances be searched via the IRIS Online Services?
A: No. The plans deposited under various Ordinances are only available for inspection at our Customer Centre on 19th Floor, Queensway Government Offices. Searchers are required to provide the Plan Number or Deposit Number of the deposited plans for our processing.
Q6: Is it necessary to input the brackets when entering "RP" in the "Section" field when searching the "Unposted Memorial Information (UMI)"?
A: Yes. You must input "(RP)" in the Section field with brackets when searching the "Unposted Memorial Information (UMI)". For search of whole lot registers, if you have not entered "RP" in brackets, guidance screens will be shown for your selection of the required lot.
Q7: How to order individual color plans via the IRIS Online Services?
Only full set of color plans can be ordered via IRIS Online Services. For ordering of individual color plan, please place your order at Land Registry’s Customer Centre or New Territories Search Offices.

(III) Placing Order

Q1: Is it necessary to print the Acknowledgement Page?

If you use the desktop version of the IRIS Online Services and have made counter collection orders, you may print the Acknowledgement Page and present it at the selected Search Office for collecting the ordered items. Alternatively, you may also save the electronic payment receipt with two-dimensional barcodes in your mobile devices and present it for collection of search orders. To facilitate communication with the Land Registry, you are also advised to print or save this page for reference.

For the mobile version, you can use the screen capture function of smartphone or mobile device to save the Acknowledgement Page for future reference. You can also enquire order details by using "Enquire Order Status" function.

Q2: Can I request to cancel a confirmed transaction for which wrong order details e.g. fax number / email address has been keyed in ?
A: For both desktop and mobile versions of the IRIS Online Services, once you have confirmed the transaction, cancellation or changing order item is NOT allowed. Therefore you should key in the ordered items very carefully.
Q3: How can I find out whether there are other documents lodged for registration but the entries have not yet been recorded in the land register?

You are advised to check the Unposted Memorial List (UML) to find out if there are any documents lodged for registration but for one reason or another entries of the documents have not yet been made in the land register. To view the UML, select the "Search Unposted Memorial Information" option from the function menu, then key in the Lot Type and click "Continue". The UML which contains brief information of the unposted memorials under the required Lot Type including Memorial No., Lot No., address and nature of instrument etc. will be displayed for viewing free of charge.

If you want to obtain additional information of any documents listed on the UML such as date of instrument etc., you can order the Unposted Memorial Information (UMI) by selecting the required item from the UML and add the selected order to the Order List.

Q4: For Internet search, will a separate order number be allotted to each order in a single transaction?
A: Yes, every order will be allotted a separate order number in a single transaction through Internet search.
Q5: How many orders can be placed for each transaction?
A: You can place up to 30 orders for each transaction.
Q6: Can I order a certified copy of an instrument online?

Certified copy of an instrument can be ordered online via  the IRIS Online Services and the certified copy can be delivered by mail or collected in person at our search offices.

Q7: Will the uncompleted order list made by the IRIS Online Services subscribers be saved after the account has been logged out?
A: The uncompleted order list will be saved until closure of the online services at 03:30 hour next day. Subscribers may retrieve the uncompleted order list in the system but the ordering procedure must be completed before 02:30 hour next day.
Q8: What is the meaning of the indicator "**" shown next to the Property Reference Number (PRN) and Order Number in the Order List and Acknowledgement Page?

For the property marked with "**" in the Order List and Acknowledgement Page, it means that no property can be found in our IRIS under the address information provided by you. This may be due to the fact that when the property is registered, no address is provided to us and so only its lot number is used in the registration of that property with the Land Registry.

The address / lot information for such property marked with "**" is obtained by the Land Registry merely in its effort to identify the possible property matching with your provided address with the help of information from external sources (such as the Rating and Valuation Department). This is entirely an extra free service provided to customers with a view to facilitating the searches.

As the information obtained from external sources used in the matching procedure is not information derived from the Land Registry, there is no warranty that the result of the matching procedure could identify the property intended to be searched by you. The Land Registry will not accept any responsibility for any error or omission arising from the matching procedure, or error or omission of the information of the external sources or their use. You must check carefully against your own sources of information to see whether the search result of property marked "**" in the Order List and Acknowledgement Page really matches with the property intended to be searched by you.


(IV) Order Status Enquiry

Q1: Under what condition an order will be marked as "Cancelled" in the "Enquire Order Status" screen?

Orders that could not be successfully processed by the system will be marked as "Cancelled". For example, fax orders which are placed in the desktop version of the IRIS Online Services and cannot be completed after retry for several times, possibly due to incorrect fax number provided or busy faxline, will be marked as "Cancelled" after the closure of our online services at 03:30 hour next day. For mail/counter collected orders placed in the desktop version, if the ordered land records such as the register card of a particular property, is not available, we will update the order status as "Cancelled" and arrange refund of search fee for the customer.

Q2: How long will the order status information and accounting information be kept by the system for enquiry by customers?
A: Details of all "Completed"/"Collected"/"Cancelled" orders will be cleared after 62 calendar days. The system will keep 6 months' accounting information for subscriber enquiry.
Q3: For the "Acknowledgement" and "Enquiry Search / Order Status" screens, is it possible to change the colour of the browser-viewing link if the documents have been viewed or downloaded?
A: On the current "Acknowledgement" and "Enquiry Search / Order Status" screens, the hyperlinks are displayed in red if the documents have been viewed/downloaded documents.
Q4: What is "Local Order List" in the mobile version of the IRIS Online Services?
A: For ad hoc user who has placed orders in the mobile version of the IRIS Online Services, he/she can use "Local Order List" function to enquire order details for orders which are placed in the same browser of the same smartphone or mobile device within 62 calendar days.

(V) Order Delivery

Q1: How do I browse/download a confirmed order?
A: Click the hyperlink at the "Acknowledgement Page". You can also download the confirmed order in the desktop version of the IRIS Online Services again at the "Enquire Order Status" screen before the closure of our online services at 03:30 hour next day. You can also browse the confirmed order again in either desktop or mobile version at the "Enquire Order Status" Screen before the closure of our online services at 03:30 hour next day irrespective of the order is originally placed in the desktop or the mobile version with "View by Browser" as the chosen delivery method. However, the mobile version would not allow to download search result for orders made by the desktop version with "By Download" as the chosen delivery method.
Q2: When can I collect a confirmed order at the counters of Customer Centre/New Territories Search Office?
A: The collection date/time will be shown on the Acknowledgment Page. Please follow the date/time stated thereon for collection of orders at the respective Search Office. For orders made by a company, the representative of the company has to bring along the company chop for collection of the ordered items.
Q3: Is there a time limit on browsing/downloading the Land Document/Land Register/Unposted Memorial Information?
A: You can use the "Enquire Order Status" function to browse/download the related order result before the closure of our online services at 03:30 hour next day for Land Register/Unposted Memorial Information, and within 3 calendar days for Land Document.
Q4: What delivery methods are available for search orders placed via the IRIS Online Services?

Users can choose the following delivery methods to receive the land records ordered via the IRIS Online Services:

  1. View by browser
  2. By download
  3. By email
  4. By fax
  5. By mail
  6. By collection at counter

Delivery methods available may vary according to the order type, nature, colouring requirement, file size, no. of pages, etc. Full details can be found in the Online Help of the IRIS Online Services.

Q5: What delivery methods are available for search orders placed online?
Order TypeNatureDelivery Methods Available
Search Land RegisterPlain copy
  • View by Browser (available if the estimated file size is not more than 30 MB)
  • By Download (available if the estimated file size is not more than 30 MB)
  • By Email (available if the estimated file size is not more than 6 MB)
  • By Fax (available if the estimated no. of pages is not more than 50 pages)
Search Land RegisterCertified copy
  • By Mail
  • Counter Collection
Search Unposted Memorial InformationN/A
  • View by Browser (available if the estimated file size is not more than 30 MB)
  • By Download (available if the estimated file size is not more than 30 MB)
  • By Email (available if the estimated file size is not more than 6 MB)
  • By Fax (available if the estimated no. of pages is not more than 50 pages)
Order Land Document
(Notes 1 & 2)
  • Memorial
  • Conditions
  • New Grant
  • Government Lease
  • Block Government Lease (BGL) - Full / Plan
Plain copy
  • View by Browser (available if the estimated file size per document is not more than 30 MB)
  • By Download (available if the estimated file size per document is not more than 30 MB)
  • By Email (available if the estimated file size per document is not more than 6 MB)
  • By Fax (available if the estimated no. of pages per document is not more than 50 pages) (Note 3)
  • By Mail
  • Counter Collection
Order Land Document
  • Memorial
  • Conditions
  • New Grant
  • Government Lease
  • Block Government Lease (BGL) - Full / Plan
Certified copy
  • By Mail
  • Counter Collection

Order Land Document
  • Block Government Lease (BGL) - Covenant / Lot Schedule / Plan
  • Register Card

(Available to subscriber only)

Plain / Certified copy
  • By Mail
  • Counter Collection

Note 1 :
For “View by Browser” / “By Download” / “By Email” order, the document may be delivered in multiple files depending on factors such as document section ordered, file size, no. of plans, etc.
Note 2 :
For “By Mail” / “Counter Collection” order, plans with size > A4 will be reduced to A4 size if “Black & White” and “Plain” copy are selected.
Note 3 :
The “By Fax” option will not be available if (i) coloured plan is required; or (ii) the document contains > A4 plan.
Q6: What shall I do if I cannot receive the land records which I have ordered for delivery by email?
A: In addition to checking the Inbox of your email account, you are recommended to look up the ordered land records in the spam / bulk mail /junk mail folder since they may have been filtered as spam messages in accordance with the detection rules set by your email service provider. If you still cannot find the ordered land records, you can check the order status by clicking "Enquire Order Status" on the function menu of the IRIS Online Services. If the order status is "Completed", please contact the Search Services Help Desk (Tel: 3105 0000) for assistance.
Q7: What should I do if the land register I have received by fax from the IRIS Online Services is unclear?
A: You may call our Customer Service Hotline (Tel. No. 3105 0000) for assistance. For further details of the delivery methods available and their constraints, please refer to Q6 under "Order Delivery".
Q8: Why the delivery time for the ordered land documents delivered by email may vary from a few seconds to several hours?
A: IRIS is equipped with sufficient capacity to handle orders of land documents delivered by email. Generally, the delivery will be made within minutes. Sometimes, there may be problems with the recipient's Internet service provider and the delivery will take a longer time. If you would like to check the delivery status of your email orders, please call the Land Registry's Customer Service Hotline at 3105 0000.
Q9: Can the number of files for downloading ordered land documents be reduced?
A: As some documents may contain many pages, they are required to be stored in multiple files for downloading. If a searcher does not wish to deal with the multiple files, he may make reference to the fields "no. of pages" and "estimated file size" on the ordering screen for hints on the downloading time of the document. If those fields indicate a long downloading time, he may select other delivery methods such as "By mail" or "Collection at counter". And also, effective from December 2011, new option was provided for customer to download a single compressed file (ZIP format) containing all image files if the document order contains more than one image file and "By Download" delivery method is selected.
Q10: Can the land register be delivered in PDF?
A: At present, the land register can be delivered in both PDF and HTML formats. Please be reminded that PDF files are larger in size and longer processing time is required.