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Resources Centre

Frequently Asked Questions
e-Memorial Form
e-Booking Service

Frequently Asked Questions

Technical Requirements for Online Submission

Q1: Can I upload copy of document(s) (e.g. copy of Hong Kong Identity Card) when making an online application that requires documentary proof?
A: You can upload copy of document(s) if required during online application.  The file size of each document should not exceed 5 MB.
Q2: What is the system requirement for viewing and printing the online application form in PDF format?
A: To view and print the online application forms, you need to use the Adobe(R) Acrobat Reader software which is available free at Adobe Systems Incorporated website
 - http://www.adobe.com/uk/products/acrobat/readstep2.html
Q3: How can I sign the online application forms?

You can sign the online application form by using a personal/corporate digital certificate issued by the recognised certification authority (Hongkong Post or Digi-Sign Certification Services Limited).  Alternatively, you can use iAM Smart+ to perform signing.  You have to register for an iAM Smart+ account with digital signature capability.  Please visit the iAM Smart website https://www.iamsmart.gov.hk/ for details.

Q4: Which types of digital certificates are supported?

You may use a digital certificate issued by either Hongkong Post or Digi-Sign Certification Services Limited. For more information, please access

https://www.hongkongpost.gov.hk or http://www.dg-sign.com

Q5: Which type of digital certificate should a corporate owner use for signing the online application form of Property Alert?
A: For application by corporate owner, the completed online application form should be signed with the applicant's organisational digital certificate.
Q6: Will my saved draft online form become expired and not be accepted for online application?

There is no expiry date for the saved draft online form.  If the concerned online form has been revised, the relevant data in the saved draft online form can be restored to the revised online form. For online forms relating to Owners’ Corporations services, user is advised to adhere to the statutory requirement on the period of filing the form pursuant to the Building Management Ordinance (Cap. 344) if applicable.