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Search of Land Records

Online Search Services (IRIS Online Services)

Land records are kept by the Land Registry primarily for the purpose of facilitating property transactions. For every land transaction, it is important to ascertain who the registered owner of the property is and what incumbrances are registered against it. A land search will provide the searcher with such information.

1. IntroductionOnline Search Services

The Integrated Registration Information System (IRIS) Online Services provides users with a full range of search services through the Internet. Anyone will be able to access the IRIS Online Services at www.iris.gov.hk. For users with smartphones or mobile devices, they can access the website of the mobile version via the website of the desktop version through the browser of smartphones or mobile devices. The system will then redirect users to the mobile version.

Users can conduct land search via the IRIS Online Services on an ad hoc basis or on a subscription basis:

  1. On Ad Hoc Basis

    Ad hoc users can access the IRIS Online Services on a need basis. Online payment of service fees by credit card (VISA/Mastercard/UnionPay/JCB), PPS and FPS (for the desktop version) or by credit card (VISA/Mastercard/UnionPay/JCB), FPS, Apple Pay and Google Pay (VISA and Mastercard only) (for the mobile version) will be accepted to enable searches to be conducted anywhere you have access to the Internet.

  2. On Subscription Basis

    Frequent users can use the IRIS Online Services on a subscription basis which offers monthly autopay arrangement, transaction listing and monthly statements for the past 6 months, etc. The following fees and deposit have to be paid for opening of a subscriber account:

    • application fee (HK$1,500)
    • fee for Supplementary Login ID (HK$750 each)
    • deposit # (minimum HK$500)
    (#Note:  The deposit serves as a guarantee to the Land Registry that fees of services rendered to the subscriber through the IRIS Online Services can be recovered. The amount of deposit payable is calculated based on 2 months’ usage estimated by the subscriber, the minimum amount payable being HK$500.)

You may obtain the application form and relevant information leaflets here or click here for online application.

2. Operation Hours

  1. Operation hours of IRIS Online Services website 

    • From 07:30 hour to 03:30 hour next day including Sundays and public holidays
  2. Closing hours of specific types of services

    • Search of land register:
    02:30 hour (next day)
    • Search of unposted memorial list/information:
    02:30 hour (next day)
    • Placing order for any document or service:
    02:30 hour (next day)

3. Services Provided

  1. Search Land Register

    • Information on "current" particulars or "historical and current" particulars of a property including documents pending registration
    • Nature: Plain copy and certified copy
  2. Search Unposted Memorial List/Information

    • The Unposted Memorial List contains documents which were lodged for registration but, for one reason or another, have not yet been posted to the relevant land registers with brief particulars of the documents (such as Memorial No., Lot No., address, nature of instrument and date of delivery).
    • Users can select to search an unposted memorial in the Unposted Memorial List to obtain additional information (such as date of instrument, consideration, share of the lot and name of the lodging party).
  3. Order Land Document

    • Types of documents: Memorial, Government Lease, New Grant, Conditions and Block Government Lease
    • Nature: Plain copy and certified copy
  4. Enquire Order Status

    • Users can make online enquiry on the order status by payment transaction number or order number.
  5. Enquire Status of Lodged Document

    • Users can make online enquiry on the status of documents lodged for registration by Memorial No.
  6. Search Property Reference Number

    • Users can obtain the Property Reference Number of a property by inputting the address or lot details of the property.
  7. Enquire Subscriber Information

    • Subscribers can enquire the account balance, transaction listing and monthly statements for the past 6 months.
  8. Online Help

    • Online help with step-by-step guidance is available.

4. Delivery Methods

Users can choose the following delivery methods to receive the land records:

  • View by browser
  • By download
  • By email
  • By fax
  • By mail
  • By collection at counter

Delivery methods available may vary according to the order type, nature, colouring requirement, file size, no. of pages, etc.

See also other related links