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Memorial Form Easy Guide

Memorial No. of Transaction Satisfied

Short Description:

The memorial number of any instrument being discharged, reassigned or otherwise satisfied by the instrument the subject of the memorial.

Quick Tips:

  • It is sufficient to specify the memorial no. of the instrument. Nature and object of the instrument are not required. The memorial numbers of memorials delivered before 12th February 2005 will be prefixed with the following set of district code identifiers for identification and retrieval purposes:

    district code identifiers for identification and retrieval purposes:
    District Code Identifier
    Memorial Numbers relating to
    UBUrban Land Registry
    ISIslands New Territories Land Registry
    NNorth New Territories Land Registry
    SKSai Kung New Territories Land Registry
    STSha Tin New Territories Land Registry
    TMTuen Mun New Territories Land Registry
    TPTai Po New Territories Land Registry
    TWTsuen Wan New Territories Land Registry
    YLYuen Long New Territories Land Registry
    Each of the district code identifiers represents one of the nine registries existed before the commencement of the Land Registration (Amendment) Ordinance (2002) and indicates the district in which the memorial was delivered. The district code identifier of these instruments should be stated immediately before the memorial number when completing the memorial number of transaction satisfied.
  • If the subject instrument does not satisfy any registered deeds, it is acceptable to state 'NIL' or 'N.A.'.
  • Remember to counter-check the memorial no(s). of the instrument(s) concerned.


Q1: For letter purporting to satisfy/discharge a previously registered Order, should I state the memorial number of the Order in the Memorial No. of Transaction Satisfied box?
A: Court Orders are usually satisfied by another Court Order. For Letter/Memorandum of Satisfaction or other instruments purporting to satisfy a registered Court Order, whether the Memorial No. of the Court Order can be entered will depend on the terms of the subject instrument and the said registered Court Order. In other words, each case should be considered on its own facts.

Q2: Can you give some examples in which entry in the "Memorial No. of Transaction Satisfied" box is required / not required?
A: Some examples of common instruments are tabulated below for reference 
common instruments
Subject DeedRelevant registered deedEntry of the memorial number of the relevant registered deed in "Memorial Number of Transaction Satisfied" box
requirednot requiredoptional
AssignmentProvisional Agreement for Sale and Purchase  
AssignmentAgreement for Sale and Purchase  
AssignmentNomination / Supplemental Agreement  
Cancellation AgreementAgreement for Sale and Purchase  
Partial ReleaseMortgage / Legal Charge  
Release (Reassignment)Mortgage / Deed of Variation / Equitable Mortgage  
ReleaseAssignment of Rental  
Revocation of Power of AttorneyPower of Attorney  
Surrender / Cancellation of TenancyTenancy Agreement  
AssentProbate / Letters of Administration  
Assignment (Mortgagee exercises its power of sale)Mortgage / Legal Charge  
Assignment (pursuant to a registered Order)Order  
AssignmentPower of Attorney  
Confirmatory Assignment / ReleaseRegistered Assignment / Release  
Consolidation of MortgageMortgage  
Declaration re Loss of DeedsOther instruments referred to in the Declaration  
Deed of RectificationDeed being rectified  
Further ChargeMortgage  
NominationAgreement for Sale and Purchase  
Supplemental AgreementAgreement for Sale and Purchase  
Transfer of MortgageMortgage  
Agreement for Sale and PurchasePreceding Provisional Agreement for Sale and Purchase  
AssentDeed of Family Arrangement  
AssignmentDeclaration of Trust  
AssignmentNomination Letter (e.g. by HKHA)  
Assignment of Lease / Tenancy AgreementPrincipal Lease / Tenancy Agreement  
MortgageEquitable Mortgage  
Agreement for Sub-sale and PurchaseAgreement for Sale and Purchase  
ReleaseTransfer of Mortgage* <However, if the memorial number of the Transfer of Mortgage is not stated in the box, it will continue to be shown in the relevant computerized land register(s).>  
Memorandum of Rescission & Determination issued by either the vendor or the purchaserAgreement for Sale and Purchaser  
Re-registration of AssignmentPreviously registered Assignment / Agreement  
Re-registration of Receipt on Discharge of a ChargeMortgage  
Re-registration of other instrumentsPreviously registered instruments