(1)Land Registration Fees (Amendment) Regulation 1995
(2)Land Registration (New Territories) Fees (Repeal) Regulation 1995 and
(3)Land Registration Fees (Amendment) Regulation 1995
(Amendment) (No.2) Regulation 1996
- The Land Registration Fees (Amendment) Regulation 1995 and its amendment were published in the Gazette on 19 January 1996 as LN 35 and LN 37 of 1996. Apart from items 1 and 4 which had to be further revised, all the proposed fees were approved by ae Legislative Council on 6 March 1996. The new fees shall come into effect on a date to be appointed by the Land Registrar by notice in the Gazette.
- Item 1 and 4 had now been further revised and were published in the Gazette, under Land Registration Fees (Amendment) Regulation 1995 (Amendment) (N0.2) Regulation 1996 as LN 145 of 1996. Subject to approval by the Legislative Council, the Regulation shall come into operation on a day to be appointed by the Land Registrar by notice in the Gazette.
- The Fees Schedule containing the item approved by the Legislative Council on 6 March 1996 and the revised items 1 and 4 is attached herewith.
- The revised fees aim at charging for each service provided by the Land Registry on a full cost recovery basis, including adjustments to cover inflation cost.
- The Legislative Council, on 6 March 1996, has also endorsed the repeal of all the provisions of the Land Registration (New Territories) Fees Regulation including the fees schedule applicable to the New Territories Land Registries. The repeal will take effect on a date to be appointed by the Land Registrar by notice in the Gazette and the attached Fees Schedule will then apply to all land registries in Hong Kong.
- It is intended that the Fees Schedule, appllcable to all land registries in Hong Kong, will come into operation on 1 June 1996.
- Following the publication of the appointed day in the Gazette, a further Land Regstry Circular Memorandum will be issued to notify you of the new payment forms and the use of the existing search tickets.
- For enquiries, please contact our Customer Service Manager, Mrs Alison CHAN (now changed to Miss Cherie CHOW), at telephone number 2867 2882 (now changed to 3105 0000).
(Kenneth T.W.Pang)
Land Registrar