The Land Registry communicates closely with its customers to assess their changing needs and expectations and has implemented several initiatives to promote communication with user-groups and customers.
Customer Liaison Groups
The objectives of the Customer Liaison Groups are to :
- improve the Land Registry's understanding of customers' needs and expectations;
- improve customers' understanding of the Land Registry's policies, services and procedures; and
- exchange views on operational and service delivery issues.
Three Customer Liaison Groups, one for private sector customers and two for government departments and public sector clients, have been established and are invaluable in providing ideas for service improvements.
The private sector group is composed of representatives from organisations whose members are frequent users of the Registry's services, namely, the Law Society of Hong Kong, the Hong Kong Association of Banks, the Hong Kong Society of Accountants, the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors, the Society of Hong Kong Real Estate Agents Limited, and the Hong Kong Real Estate Agencies General Association.
Standing Members of the Land Registry Customer Liaison Group 2000/2001
Law Society of Hong Kong |
Mr. Felix LAU Yiu-tung |
Ms. Stella AU Man-chun |
Mr. CHEUNG Kee-ming |
Mr. YUEN Kwok-kit |
Mr. Vincent LIANG (April to mid-August 2000) |
Mr. Peter HUNG Hin-kam (from mid-August 2000) |
Mr. YEUNG Wing-wah (April to mid-August 2000) |
Ms. LAM Man-yee (from mid-August 2000) |
Hong Kong Association of Banks |
Ms. Phoebe TSE Siu-ling |
Mr. TONG Hon-shing |
Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors |
Mr. Francis LAU Tak |
Mr. Jonathan LI Wing-wo |
Society of Hong Kong Real Estate Agents Limited |
Mr. Michael CHIK Pa-fai |
Hong Kong Real Estate Agencies General Association |
Mr. AU YEUNG Ka-cheung (April to mid-August 2000) |
Mr. CHENG Chi-wai (from mid-August 2000) |
Hong Kong Society of Accountants |
Ms. Elizabeth LAW |
Mr. Michael PANG Tsun-loy |
Ms. Cynthia WONG Tak-yee (April to mid-August 2000) |
Mr. Kennedy LIU (from mid-August 2000) |
Land Registry Joint Standing Committee
The Land Registry Joint Standing Committee, comprising the Land Registrar, his senior staff and representatives of the Law Society of Hong Kong, meets regularly to discuss and exchange views on land registration matters and the Registry's services provided to the legal practitioners.
The Committee held its first meeting on 11 February 1964 and, over the years, has proven to be very useful in promoting closer co-operation between the Land Registry and the legal profession.
The Committee will continue to play a significant role in assisting the Registry to maintain an efficient and effective land registration system.
Land Registry Circular Memoranda
Land Registry Circular Memoranda are issued, from time to time, to all solicitors and interested parties to inform them of any changes in land registration legislation, operations, practices and procedures.
The issue of these circulars has been a long established practice and is welcomed by legal practitioners and others as an effective means of communication. In 2000/2001, 3 circulars were issued.
Land Registry News
To keep customers and business associates abreast of the Land Registry's current activities and future developments, a regular newsletter, the "Land Registry News", is published for general distribution.This publication has been well received with encouraging feedback from local and overseas readers. The Registry will continue to issue the Land Registry News to further strengthen communication with customers.
Information Pamphlets
During the year, the Land Registry published the following pamphlets and information notes :- Performance Pledge 2000/2001
- Land Registry Trading Fund Annual Report 1999/2000
- Land Registry News No. 13 & 14
- Strategic Change and IT Renewal
- Guidance Notes for Persons Applying for the Incorporation of an Owners' Corporation at the Land Registry
For the benefit of customers, the Registry will continue to produce more information materials to publicise its existing and new services.
A total of 9 delegations visited the Land Registry in 2000/2001, 7 from the Mainland, one from India and one from the consultant of a Government Department. Customers and counterparts are welcome to visit the Land Registry, familiarise or re-familiarise themselves with our operations and services and share experience at their convenience.
To provide the public with instant access to information on the Land Registry and its services, the Registry maintains a homepage on the Internet at . The information available in our website includes our Mission, Objectives & Vision, Organisation Structure, Major Services, Performance Pledges, Monthly Statistics on Land Transactions, Land Registry Circular Memoranda, Tender Notices, Controlling Officer's Environmental Report, some major Information Pamphlets and Land Registry Forms. An email address ( is also provided in our website to maintain contact with homepage visitors and obtain their feedback.
In 2000/2001, there were 133,766 and 269,959 visits to the English and Chinese versions of the homepage respectively.