After the lodging solicitors have prepared, certified and delivered the instruments and memorials for registration, Land Registry staff will follow the following registration procedures:
- Check and receive payment, lodgment list, instruments and memorials.
- Allot memorial numbers by the system and generate receipt.
- Input the information contained in the memorial into the Integrated Registration Information System and a Memorial Day Book will be generated on the next day.
- Verify the information in instruments against existing land records.
- Update the land records if no discrepancy is found during the verification process.
- Affix certification labels with a printed signature on registered instruments
- Image the registered instruments at Central Imaging Centre.
- Return registered instruments to the lodging solicitors by courier service.
If discrepancy is found during the verification process, Land Registry staff will:
- Raise requisitions and withhold the instruments from registration.
- Image the withheld instruments at Central Imaging Centre.
- Return the withheld instruments to the lodging solicitors by courier service.
If the lodging solicitors have amended and re-delivered the withheld instruments to the Land Registry to complete registration, Land Registry staff will repeat the registration procedures again starting from verification of instruments.